Nation-Building in Azerbaijan: Between The Legacy of the Past and the Spirit of Independence



Nation as conceptualised in Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
Sungur, Zeynep Tuba (2022-01-01)
© 2022 Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.The departing point of this study is to understand the implications of ‘nation-building’ as a Western initiative in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (2004–2021) particularly in terms of the local conceptualisation of nation or millat. Based on this larger question, the goal of this study is to reveal the idea of nation as presented in the discourse of education constructed by the state of Afghanistan. To this end, the...
Nation-Building through National Education in Afghanistan
Yıldırım, Erdoğan(2018-12-31)
Bu proje, Bölge Çalışmaları Doktora Programı öğrencisi Zeynep Tuba Sungur tarafından Doç. Dr. Erdoğan Yıldırım’ın danışmanlığında ve Dr. Yahia Baiza’nın eş-danışmanlığında yürütülmekte olan tez çalışmasının önemli bir kısmını oluşturmaktadır. Bölge Çalışmaları; bir bölge, ülke veya yöre temelinde belirlenmiş bir meselenin, yerinde saha çalışması ve yerel dilde kaynak kullanımı ile interdisipliner ve bütüncül bir biçimde çalışıldığı akademik alanı ifade eder. Bu kapsamda kurgulanmış olan bu tez çalışmasında,...
Nation-building among five rings: Nationalism and Olympics in early republican Turkey
Yavuz, Yavuz; Tokluoğlu, Ayşe Ceylan; Department of Sociology (2021-9)
The main objective of this research is to explore the role of international sports during the nation-building process of the early years of Republican Turkey. Sports, due to their competitive and emotive characteristics, provide suitable platforms for the revealing of nationalist sentiments. While sport is a modern construct, it is possible to trace references to pre-modern leisure activities in terms of the creation of narratives around sports. International sports events establish spaces of encounter for ...
Nation state and architecture in early republican Turkey: The Building process of Ankara as the national capital
Koçak, F. Ayşın; Ecevit, Mehmet; Department of Sociology (1998)
Nation Building through Ethnic Migration in the Former Soviet Space the Case of Kazakhstan
Kuşçu Bonnenfant, Işık (null; 2015-04-19)
Citation Formats
A. Ergun Özbolat, “Nation-Building in Azerbaijan: Between The Legacy of the Past and the Spirit of Independence,” 2001, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: