Structural epistemic and conceptual aspects of science teachers argumentation in the context of biological Evolution



Structural Realism, Metaphysical Unification, and the Ontology and Epistemology of Patterns
Davoody Benı, Majıd (2017-01-01)
Ladyman and Ross's account of the metaphysical component of ontic structural realism was associated with a unificationist view of the connection between fundamental physics and special sciences. The aim of the present article is to assess the sense of unification that is at issue in Ladyman and Ross's definition of metaphysics. Given the ontic core of Ladyman and Ross's version of structural realism, it should be assumed that the unifying endeavour is worthwhile only if the connective links that underpin un...
Structural Inequalities in Educational Leadership: Addressing Social and Professional Identities and Recognitional Power
Göktürk Ağın, Duygun; Çomak, Özge (2022-05-01)
In this article, we aim to work toward a rich theoretical understanding of the relationship between social identity, professional identity, and school leadership in the context of recognitional power. We approach the relationship the study constructs by problematizing the traditional areas of leadership literature that is marked by veneration of leadership and its functional toolkit that includes traits, attitudes, behaviors, efficiency, productivity, mastery, etc. as antecedents to the leadership pr...
Structural realism without metaphysics: Notes on Carnap's measured pragmatic structural realism
Davoody Benı, Majıd (2015-01-01)
Carnap's reinvention of the Ramsey-sentence approach to scientific theories has been at the center of a new debate in recent years. Following Grover Maxwell, Psillos (2000a) argued that Carnap's re-invention of the Ramsey-sentence had failed to lead to the desired neutral stance in the realism-instrumentalism debate, and ended, instead, to a form of structural realism which happened to be liable to Newman's objection to Russell's version of structural realism. The objection held that without putting suitabl...
Material Semiotics of Form Giving: The Case of the Electric Turkish Coffee Pot
Kaygan, Harun (MIT Press - Journals, 2016-03-01)
The article discusses material semiotics as a valuable framework for the analysis of design processes, and focuses on form giving practices. For this purpose, the design processes of electric Turkish coffee pots are studied through interviews and document analyses. It is argued that neither form giving nor product form can be considered to be singular or stable throughout a design process, and that semantic and material relations that are built and maintained around the product form need to be traced for a ...
Structures in Physics and Neuroscience Structural Realism and the Unity of Science
Davoody Benı, Majıd (2021-08-01)
We offer to extend structural realism into the field of mind and brain studies. The naturalised metaphysics of structural realism has been defined in terms of unification of sciences. The unification program has been carried out nicely in fields of Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity. But for the structural realist metaphysics to receive a recommendation, the unification program needs to be extended to the fields of especial sciences. Our aim in the paper is twofold. On the one hand, we present a struc...
Citation Formats
Y. Ezgi, J. Çakıroğlu, and C. Öztekin, “Structural epistemic and conceptual aspects of science teachers argumentation in the context of biological Evolution,” 2015, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: