Data sharing under confidentiality

Başer, Erdem
Hülagu, Timur
Akyıldız, Ersan
Bilgen, Adnan
Cenk, Murat
Keskinkurt-paksoy, İrem
Kestel, Sevtap Ayşe
Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey presents an approach to address the data sharing dilemma of maximizing the benefit for academic research while ensuring compliance with applicable data confidentiality legislations. The work in this paper compares the performance of different perturbation methods. Empirical estimates are presented over a wide range of statistical methods. The results in the paper are expected to be used to inform the design of access procedures to confidential microdata in central banks.
Ninth IFC Conference (30 - 31 Ağustos 2018,)


Audit market structure, factors affecting audit fees and audit efforts in Turkey
Ulusoy Tokgöz, Sibel; Oran, Adil; Muğan, Fatma Naciye Can; Department of Business Administration (2015)
This study explains the regulatory and competition structure of the audit market in Turkey by exploring types of audit firm, auditor changes and concentration levels in the audit market. The best way to analyse a market structure isto examine through a focus on fee and effort determinants. The association of audit fee and audit effort proxies with various independent variables generally employed in the literature are assessed, taking into account specificfeatures of the Turkish market. The results of teh st...
Financial fragilities of Turkish non-financial sectors
Kılıç, Abdurrahman; Özmen, Erdal; Department of Economics (2015)
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Heterogeneous Effects of Financial Indicators on Firms' Exports: Evidence from Turkish Manufacturing Firms
Şahin, Yavuz Selim; Akbostancı Özkazanç, Elif; Department of Economics (2022-12-21)
Using an extensive firm-level database that combines customs and balance sheets data, this paper investigates the heterogeneity in the effects of financial indicators on the exports of Turkish manufacturing firms. The panel data estimations for the period 2010-2020 suggest that improvement in the firm-level financial indicators have stimulating effects on the firms’ exports. More specifically, it is found that profitability and liquidity ratios are positively associated with firms’ exports, while increases ...
An Empirical Analysis of the Bank Lending Channel in Turkey
Ozsuca, Ekin Ayse; Akbostancı Özkazanç, Elif (2013-07-01)
The purpose of this paper is to empirically analyze the role of the banking sector in monetary policy transmission in Turkey covering the period 1988-2009. By exploiting dynamic panel data modeling approaches, the heterogeneity in banks' lending response to changes in policy interest rates is analyzed. Given the changes in the policy stance and developments in the financial system following the 2000-01 crisis, the analysis is further conducted for the two sub-periods, 1988-2001 and 2002-2009, to examine whe...
Pluralism in science
Bakdur, Eser; Sol, Ayhan; Department of Philosophy (2009)
This thesis investigates the determinants of financial development in Turkey. Principle Component Analysis (PCA) is employed in order to examine the main determinants of financial sector development and shed light on the structure of the financial system in Turkey. The empirical studies on financial development suffer from the measurement problem. This study aims to remedy the measurement problem by providing proxies that explain different aspects of financial development more accurately than other proxies ...
Citation Formats
E. Başer et al., “Data sharing under confidentiality,” Basel, İsviçre, 2018, p. 1057, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: