Bir başarı faktörü olarak Bilişsel Özdüzenleme: Devlet Koruması ve Aile yanındaki çocuklarda Bilişsel Özdüzenlemenin Yordayıcıları


Exploring the potential of mat-building for the creation of universally designed environments
Eren, Yasemin; Aközer, Emel; Department of Architecture (2004)
The goal of this study is to reread the strategies of formal organization in architecture, which are called أmat-buildingؤ and أmat-urbanismؤ, exploring their potential to contribute to the creation of universally designed built environments in the 21st century. The idea of mat-building was first delineated by Alison Smithson in 1974, in her article أHow to Recognize and Read Mat-Building,ؤ by means of its traditional and modern examples. The concept of universal design was first used in 1970̕s and reinterp...
An analysis of street as a shopping precinct : Tunali Hilmi Street vs shopping centers
Bakırcıoğlu Ünsal, Burcu; Babalık, Ela; Department of City and Regional Planning (2010)
Streets, the usual public spaces of cities, lose their popularities and users every passing day. The reason of this decline is the erroneous transport policies implemented in cities that increase the entrance of automobile into city centers and facilitate faster movement of automobiles at the expense of pedestrians. While pedestrians are marginalized in city centers, automobiles become the primary users of streets. The traffic, noise and air pollution that automobiles cause contribute to the decline of town...
Neoliberal pension reform as a class project: the cases of Chile and Turkey
Yılmaz Akın, Burcu Gökçe; Bedirhanoğlu Toker, Pınar; Department of International Relations (2014)
The purpose of the thesis is to demonstrate the validity of David Harvey’s argument that neoliberalism is a class project in relation to the transformation of pension systems in the countries of the South that have been forced by the International Financial Institutions since the 1980s. The proposed reform has tried to be justified by a discourse that has emphasized the need for sustainable pension systems in the face of population ageing while population ageing has indeed been one of the most important dem...
Bir konut finansman aracı olarak mortgage sisteminin Türkiye’de olası etkileri üzerine
Balaban, Osman (İmge Kitabevi Yayınları, 2007-06-01)
Ruşen Keleş'e Armağan dizisi, sayısız makalenin, onlarca kitabın, yüzlerce akademisyenin, binlerce öğrencinin arkasındaki öncü bir kişiliğe saygı yapıtı olarak hazırlanmıştır. Her biri farklı konulara odaklanan altı kitaptan oluşan bu dizi, elli yılı aşkın akademik yaşamı boyunca ilklere imza atan Ruşen Keleş'e yakışır biçimde, yüzden fazla yazarı bir araya getirmesiyle Türkiye'de bir ilk niteliği taşımaktadır. Yurtiçinden ve yurtdışından kentleşme, yerel yönetimler, çevre politikaları, tarih, siyaset bili...
Teaching as an art of communication: an investigation into the nature of teacher immediacy and perceived attendance
Diril, Deha; Engin Demir, Cennet; Department of Curriculum and Instruction (2020)
The purpose of this study is to delineate the nature of teacher-student interaction at a preparatory school of a foundation university in Ankara and examine the relationship between this interaction and students’ level of perceived attendance. The sample for this study is consists of 180 preparatory school students. The data was gathered through the questionnaire developed by the researcher. Interviews were conducted with the students selected among the participants to supplement the quantitative data. Infe...