Annual Report for the Getty Foundation



Periodic Reporting for period 1 - RISEWISE (RISEWISE -RISE Women with disabilities In Social Engagement)
Sümer, Zeynep(2021-2-28)
Women with disabilities have more difficulties to find an employment and to integrate in social day life activities than men with disabilities. This project focuses on the collective of women with disabilities from different perspectives, trying to identify needs and best practices in several EU countries, representing different cultural and socio-economic environments, for the integration and improvement of their quality of life in several respects. By applying a novel analysis method, based on the experi...
Systemic analysis of and policy generation for the SSK pension scheme in Turkey
Akmaz, Mustafa; Güven, Sibel; Sayın, Erol; Department of Industrial Engineering (1999)
Composite index for benchmarking local energy systems of Mediterranean port cities
Kılkış, Şiir (2015-12-01)
Benchmarking the performance of local energy systems requires an integrated approach. This paper develops a composite index that consists of a unique set of 7 dimensions and 35 main indicators. The SDEWES (Sustainable Development of Energy, Water, and Environment Systems) Index is applied to a sample of 22 Mediterranean port cities. The index integrates energy and CO2 emissions data from SEAP (Sustainable Energy Action Plans). The values of the indicators are aggregated based on the Min-Max method for a fin...
Evaluating attitudes towards Metu online a study of instructors of FLE department
Cirit, Nazlı Ceren; Gümüşok, Fatma (null; 2013-04-01)
Lately, through the rapid expansion of technology into the social branches of life, education has also taken advantage of the opportunities that technology provides for educational purposes. In all levels of education, the integration of computer technologies has not only been limited to the school hours but also off-school time. This recent trend is adapted for enabling instructors to share the documents necessary for the courses, promote communication between teachers and students, etc.(Lonn & Teasley, 20...
Critical evaluation of smart mobility policies of Konya metropolitan municipality
Nalçakar, Zeyneb Zuhal; Balaban, Osman; Department of Urban Policy Planning and Local Governments (2019)
As population in urban areas increases and problems arise as a consequence, many cities turn to smart city transformation. Some scholars argue that smart cities can provide strong solutions to urban problems. Smart city discourse mainly touches upon six major concepts which cities are required to apply to become a smart city: Smart economy, smart people, smart governance, smart environment, smart living and finally smart mobility based on ICT. The most common issues based upon increasing population is trans...
Citation Formats
A. Savaş Sargın, “Annual Report for the Getty Foundation,” 2018, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: