Systemic analysis of and policy generation for the SSK pension scheme in Turkey

Akmaz, Mustafa


Empirical Analysis of the Spatial Distribution of Organised Food Retailers in Ankara with Regard to Neighbourhoods’ Social, Economic and Physical Characteristics
Büyükcivelek, Ahmet Burak (2014-01-01)
Kentleşme süreçleri ile perakende coğrafyasının dönüşümü arasındaki ilişki, 1900’lerin başından beri, kent planlama, coğrafya ve toplumbilim alanlarının ilgi odağı olmuştur. Geliştirilen farklı yaklaşımlar bu ilişkinin farklı boyutları üzerinde yoğunlaşmış, iki süreç arasındaki etkileşimin parçalarını nedensellikler üzerinden açıklamayı amaçlamıştır. Bu yazıda, Ankara kenti üzerine yapılan araştırma bulgularından yola çıkılarak geçmiş yaklaşımların parçacıl açıklamalardan öteye gitmediği, etkileşim sürecini...
Systemic-structural approaches, world-system analysis and the study of foreign policy
Tayfur, M.Fatih (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2000-12-1)
This article aims to review and compare the systemic-structural approaches to international relations, and their impact on the study of foreign policy. Yet, the specific objective of this essay is to discuss, ‘The Modern World-System Approach’ which has been, mostly, less well understood or misunderstood, or misinterpreted by the students of international relations and foreign policy analysis. In the era of ‘globalisation’, re-visiting the systemic-structural approaches, and especially ‘the modern world-sys...
Systemic Change in a Higher Education Institution: Inquiring into Organizational and Instructional Transformation
İpek, Ömer Faruk; Karaman, Abdullah Cendel (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020-01-01)
© 2020, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.Changes often occur in organizational systems due to the technology, new methods, new understandings and emerging needs. This study examined the reasons, components, roles of the people involved and results of the systemic change process at a university preparatory department by using a self-initiated, prescriptive, and planned systemic change process. The aim of the study is to investigate how the planned systemic change initiative was p...
Bacınoğlu, Baran Tan; Uysal, Elif; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2021-9-1)
This thesis considers data transmission scenarios where timeliness of information transmission, or adapting to intermittently available resources is important. The first part of the thesis focuses on energy harvesting communication systems. For such systems, energy efficient scheduling algorithms that achieve certain throughput maximization and data freshness objectives are developed. The second part of the thesis considers data transmission for the purpose of tracking unstable sources through noisy channels. ...
Empirical investigation of Internet banking usage in Turkey
Daneshgadeh, Salva; Özkan Yıldırım, Sevgi; Department of Information Systems (2013)
With the fast development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), internet banking has become more popular worldwide. This study empirically investigates the factors impact internet banking usage by Turkish bank customers. A unique Internet Banking Usage Model (IBUM) was developed in this study. The proposed model incorporated 10 factors named usefulness, ease of use, compatibility, control, social influence, risk, website features, alliance service, awareness of service and customization/perso...
Citation Formats
M. Akmaz, “Systemic analysis of and policy generation for the SSK pension scheme in Turkey,” Middle East Technical University, 1999.