The EU s Normative Power Human Rights in Kazakhstan



The European Commission Danube Strategy as a West East co operation High Added Manufacturing Value
İmer, Muhsine Bilge (2011-06-11)
The European Union as a distinctive actor in global climate change policy
Sağsen, İlhan; Bağcı, Hüseyin; Kibaroğlu, Ayşegül; Department of International Relations (2015)
This dissertation focus on the relationship with the international climate change policy and key actors’ positions on global climate negotiations. The main aim of this dissertation is to show that the European Union takes a different position than other international actors in terms of international climate change negotiation and policy. This distinction stems from the founding philosophy of the European Union and its environmentalist tradition. The argument of this dissertation is that whereas nation-state...
The EU as a security actor in the post-cold war era : a civilian and/or military (strategic) actor in crisis management?
Sevinç, Tuğba; Bağcı, Hüseyin; Department of European Studies (2006)
The objective of this thesis is to analyze whether the EU can be considered as a ‘limited’ military/strategic actor or as a civilian actor in the Post-Cold War international security architecture. In this framework, the impacts of the September 11 terrorist attacks and the US-led war in Iraq on the EU crisis management capabilities are analyzed more specifically. In this framework, firstly, the historical dynamics of European foreign and security policy from the Post-World War II period to the Post-Septembe...
The European Union's region building in the south caucasus: the making and unmaking of a region
Altunışık, Meliha (Routledge, 2018-01-01)
The European Union as a normative power and the European neighbourhood policy: cases of Morocco and Egypt
Tınas, Murat; Çıtak Aytürk, Zana Ayşe; Department of International Relations (2009)
This thesis aims to examine the European Union (EU) as a normative power in the context of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) through case studies of Morocco and Egypt. The uniqueness of the EU as a distinct actor in international politics has led many observers to claim that the EU is a normative power. The ENP, which emerged in 2004, has been one of the main instruments of the EU within this framework. This thesis studies the claim as to whether the EU is, in fact, a normative power in the context of...
Citation Formats
I. Kuşçu Bonnenfant, “The EU s Normative Power Human Rights in Kazakhstan,” 2014, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: