Discourses of Citizenship in Turkish and American Middle School Textbooks A Critical Analysis

Engin Demir, Cennet
Aktaş, Halilhan


Discourses and Politics of Eurasianism in Turkey During the 2000s
Tanrısever, Oktay Fırat (ISPI, 2018-10-01)
Discourses of Exclusion and Hate in the Online Space in the Turkish Context: #ülkemdesuriyeliistemiyorum (#idontwantsyriansinmycountry)
Erdoğan Öztürk, Yasemin; Işık Güler, Hale (2020-06-01)
The new communicative affordances of online spaces have transformed the ways and domains we build and negotiate meaning. At the same time, they have introduced diverse channels to produce and disseminate animosity. This article explores online discourses as new communicative environments characterized by their unique textual and semiotic features to unfold the discursive constructions of hate and hostility towards Syrian refugees in Turkey. Building on the principles of the Social Media Critical Discourse S...
Discourses of Kemalism and Islamism on the political dimension of EU - Turkey Relations
Çilingir, Sevgi; Dağı, İhsan Duran; Department of International Relations (2005)
This thesis aims at defining and analyzing the positions of Kemalism and Islamism about the relationship between the European Union and Turkey, with respect to identity and political reform. The study is conducted by the usage of academic literature and examples of the writings of intellectuals from both positions; in order to analyze their discourses on the issue.With respect to the political dimension of EU - Turkey relations, the problems and EU demands on democracy, human rights, minority rights - with ...
Problems of English language teacher education from the 4th year English teachers perspective
Eret, Esra; Ok, Ahmet (null; 2008-09-12)
Reflections of nationalism and the role of language policies in national identity formation in Post-Soviet Azerbaijan
Akyıldız, Selma; Tokluoğlu, Ayşe Ceylan; Department of Eurasian Studies (2019)
After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the newly independent Azerbaijan has entered its nation-building process. Azerbaijani political elites aimed to re-form national identity through a set of language policies. In this context, they focused on the alphabet, and on the name of the official language which they consider as markers of their national identity. Turkism versus Azerbaijanism as the two competing ideologies have left their mark on this process. Language has been used as a political tool for pr...
Citation Formats
C. Engin Demir and H. Aktaş, “Discourses of Citizenship in Turkish and American Middle School Textbooks A Critical Analysis,” 2016, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/76674.