Milli Mücadele’nin Başlangıcının 100.Yıldönümünde 1919



Continuity and change in nationalist discourse in Albania during national awakening, communism and post-communism periods
Sulstarova, Enis; Akçalı, Pınar; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2002)
This thesis analyses the nationalist discourse in Albania during three periods of its modern history: National Awakening (1878-1912), Communism (1944-1990) and Post-Communism (1990-2002). The aim is, with the help of recent scientific literature on the subject of nationalism, to investigate the continuities and changes in nationalist discourse in Albania and the socio-political reasons behind them.
A comparative approach to national protectional law (1940-1956)
Erdemir, Ömer; Akgün, Saadet Seçil; Department of History (2005)
This thesis introduces a comparative history of National Protection Law of 1940 and 1956. It analyzes the two applications of the law, first, by the Republican People2s Party governments during World War II, and second, by the Democratic Party Government during the years between 1956 and 1960 in view of the general economic policies followed during both periods. It argues, in reference to the ideological struggle over Turkish economic development during the twentieth century, that the enactments and applica...
Determination of program management methods and practices to be applied in the national combat aircraft development (tfx) program by using the experience from the f-35 joint strike fighter (jsf) program
Yiğit, Muhammed Ali; Pamukçu, M. Teoman.; Department of Science and Technology Policy Studies (2019)
Following World War II, the air power was clearly accepted as the most critical power to have for all nations. The military theorists focused on the air power since the air supremacy was seen the key for victory. Hence, the fighter aircraft technology has grown aggressively in the second half of last century and triggered the development of five types of aircraft generations until the beginning of the 1990s. The F-35 Lightning-II is a fifth-generation aircraft that has thrust vector, stealth airframe, advan...
Milli Eğitim Şuralarının Türkiye’de eğitim politikası geliştirme süreçlerindeki işlevinin eğitimbilimciler tarafından değerlendirilmesi
Akgündüz, Mehmet Mahsum; Taneri, Pervin Oya (null; 2015-06-08)
Cumhuriyet Devriminin Yolu Atatürk Bulvarı
Keskinok, Hüseyin Çağatay (Koleksiyoncular Derneği, 2009-01-01)
Citation Formats
B. Çelik, Milli Mücadele’nin Başlangıcının 100.Yıldönümünde 1919. 2019.