Psychological sequel of injury sustained in road traffic crashes: Initial results from a cohort study in 3 european countries

Papadakaki, Maria
Orsi, Chiara
Otte, Dietmar
Morandi, Anna
Tzamalouka, Georgia
Von Dergeest, Marco
Lajunen, Tımo Juhanı
Özkan, Türker
Anipsitaki, M,
Maragkaki, P,
Chliaoutakis, Joannes


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Dirik, Gulay; Karancı, Ayşe Nuray (2010-01-01)
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic disease, which can lead to considerable psychological distress. The present study evaluated anxiety and depression symptoms for this chronic and painful illness within the framework of the conservation of resources (COR) theory. Coping strategies, coping self-efficacy, religiousness and social support are very important personal resources, which have been found to protect individuals from psychological distress. The aim of the present study was to examine the predictiv...
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The current study aimed to follow-up a group of road crash survivors for one year and assesses the impact of injury on their psychological and physical condition. All crash survivors that were admitted to the intensive or sub-intensive care units of selected hospitals in Greece, Germany and Italy over one year period (2013-2014), were invited to participate in the study and were interviewed at three different time-points as follows: (a) at one month (baseline data), (b) at six months, and (c) at twelve mont...
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Generally, universities in developing countries offer little in the way of provisions and support (material, emotional, etc.) for disabled students. Therefore, disabled students experience considerable burdens and barriers in their educational life. This study investigated the psychological wellbeing of disabled Turkish university students by examining influences on stress-related growth and psychological distress. Disability is defined within the framework of a social model. According to this view, impairm...
Psychological models for motorcycle helmets usage
Özkan, Türker; Çiçek, Bünyamin Erkan; Öztekin, Ceren; Yıldırım, Zümrüt (2008-09-04)
Citation Formats
M. Papadakaki et al., “Psychological sequel of injury sustained in road traffic crashes: Initial results from a cohort study in 3 european countries,” 2015, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: