A Project Scheduling Problem with Nonrenewable Resources

Altıntaş, Cansu
Azizoğlu, Meral


A Multi-mode project scheduling problem with a single nonrenewable resource
Altıntaş, Cansu; Azizoğlu, Meral; Department of Industrial Engineering (2017)
In this thesis, we consider a multi-mode project scheduling problem with a single nonrenewable resource. We assume that the resource is released in pre-specified times at pre-specified quantities and the resource is consumed at activity completions. The activities can be processed at different modes where a mode is defined by a processing time and a resource requirement amount. Our problem is to select the modes and timings of the activities so as to minimize the project completion time. We develop a mixed ...
A stochastic disassembly line balancing problem with hazardous tasks
Göksoy Kalaycılar, Eda; Batun, Sakine; Department of Industrial Engineering (2020-11)
In this thesis, we study a Stochastic Disassembly Line Balancing Problem (SDLBP) with hazardous tasks. We define success and failure events for each hazardous task and describe several scenarios over all hazardous tasks. Our aim is to maximize expected profit over all scenarios. We construct mathematical model with one, two and three hazardous tasks. Then, general formulation both in nonlinear and linear form is studied. We test the performance of the model on randomly generated data using the networks take...
A fixed job scheduling problem with machine-dependent job weights
Eliiyi, D. T.; Azizoğlu, Meral (2009-01-01)
This study considers the identical parallel machines operational fixed job scheduling problem with machine-dependent job weights. A job is either processed in a fixed interval or is not processed at all. Our aim is to maximise the total weight of the processed jobs. We show that the problem with machine eligibility constraints resides as a special case of this problem. We identify some special polynomially solvable cases and propose a branch-and-bound (BB) algorithm that employs efficient bounding schemes a...
A disassembly line balancing problem with fixed number of workstations
Kalaycilar, Eda Goksoy; Azizoğlu, Meral; Yeralan, Sencer (2016-03-01)
In this study, a Disassembly Line Balancing Problem with a fixed number of workstations is considered. The product to be disassembled comprises various components, which are referred to as its parts. There is a specified finite supply of the product to be disassembled and specified minimum release quantities (possible zero) for each part of the product. All units of the product are identical, however different parts can be released from different units of the product. There is a finite number of identical w...
A Project payment scheduling problem with discounted cash flows
Cömert, Alican; Azizoğlu, Meral; Department of Industrial Engineering (2014)
In this study we consider a project payment model with discounted cash flows. We assume that the client payment times are defined in the project contract. The activities are characterized by their processing times and costs that are incurred at their completions. Our problem is to find the client payment amounts and activity completion times so as to minimize the net present value of the client payments and activity costs. We show that the problem is strongly NP-hard. We formulate the problem as a mixed int...
Citation Formats
C. Altıntaş and M. Azizoğlu, “A Project Scheduling Problem with Nonrenewable Resources,” 2016, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/79030.