System and internationalization in Turkish Higher Education: Challenges and Opportunities



System and internationalization in Turkish Higher Education: Challenges and Opportunities
Yorgun, İbrahim; Daloğlu, Ayşegül (null; 2009-11-29)
System justification and terror manegement : mortality salience as amoderator ofsystem justifying tendencies in gender context
Doğulu, Canay; Sakallı Uğurlu, Nuray; Department of Psychology (2012)
The aim of the current thesis was to explore the possible link between System Justification Theory (SJT) and Terror Management Theory (TMT) in gender context and from the perspective of intergroup relations in a sample of Turkish university students. Having recently attracted research attention, the relation between the two theories is based on the effect of mortality salience (MS) on the tendency to justify the existing system. Accordingly, three research questions were investigated to see whether (1) ambi...
Institutions and economic growth: Cases of China and India
Kimya, Fırat (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2018-8)
This study inquires why China managed to generate more economic growth than India despite the premises of Acemoğlu and Robinson’s theory of inclusive and extractive institutions which claim that sustainable economic growth is only possible under inclusive institutions. This study attempts to show that Acemoğlu and Robinson’s theory is insufficient to explain the case of China. By using the most-likely case methodology, the period of 1979-2010 is analyzed and economic growth performance of China and Ind...
State and transition in emerging petroleum economies of the Caspian
Bilgin, Mert; Akçalı, Pınar; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2003)
The state is the most significant agent, which designates the characteristics of transition of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan in the post-Soviet era. The powerful state is the legacy of the former Soviet regime, which had already created state̕s autonomy from the society. Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan differ from other transition economies because of their rich reserves of hydrocarbons. The transformation of these countries can be best analyzed by referring to the attitude of the state to...
System collapse, system rebirth: The demonstrative pronouns of English 900-1350 and the birth of the definite article
Sonmez, MJM (2002-07-01)
Citation Formats
A. Daloğlu and İ. Yorgun, “System and internationalization in Turkish Higher Education: Challenges and Opportunities,” 2009, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: