Discontinuity mapping with automatic lineament extraction from high resolution satellite imagery

Koçal, Arman
Düzgün, Hafize Şebnem
Karpuz, Celal
In this study, automatic lineament analysis is performed by using high resolution satellite imagery for identification of rock discontinuities. A case study area is selected as an Andesite mine area in Gölba ı, Ankara, Turkey. For the high resolution data 8-bit Ikonos Precision Plus with 1 meter resolution orthorectified image is used. The image data contain three bands as blue, green, red as band 1, band 2 and band 3, respectively. Then an additional band (fourth band) for the image is assigned by obtaining the average of the three bands. The automatic lineament extraction process is carried out with LINE module of PCI Geomatica v8.2. In order to determine the most accurate parameters of LINE, an accuracy assessment is carried out. To be the reference of the output, manual lineament extraction with directional filtering in four principal directions (N-S, E-W, NE-SW, NW-SE) is found to be the most suitable method. For the comparison of automatic lineament extraction and manual lineament extraction processes, total length and number of lineaments and directional analyses are carried out by constructing the rose diagrams. Besides these, field studies and previous studies carried out in the study area are also taken into consideration. After the accuracy assesssment, final parameters of automatically extracted lineaments are determined. The lineament map produced in this study is found to be a very efficient in mapping the discontinuities for mining applications in terms of cost and time effectiveness.
International Societyfor Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing XXth Congres


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Citation Formats
A. Koçal, H. Ş. Düzgün, and C. Karpuz, “Discontinuity mapping with automatic lineament extraction from high resolution satellite imagery,” presented at the International Societyfor Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing XXth Congres, İstanbul, Türkiye, 2004, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/79560.