Les Transformations d Istanbul Henri Prost s Planning of Istanbul 1936 1951

Henri Prost, who was one of the founders of town planning in France, was invited to prepare the master plan of Istanbul by the Turkish government in 1935. He conducted the planning of the historic capital and the most populous city of Turkey from 1936 to 1951. Although Prost has been renowned particularly with his conservative attitude toward the cultural heritage and the assets of the natural landscape, curiously he adopted a highly interventionist planning approach in Istanbul.
"A/Z ITU Journal of Faculty of Architecture


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The Emergence of Turkish nationalism in the Cyprus conflict, the breakthrough from 1948 to 1955
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Citation Formats
F. C. Bilsel, “Les Transformations d Istanbul Henri Prost s Planning of Istanbul 1936 1951,” “A/Z ITU Journal of Faculty of Architecture, pp. 100–116, 2011, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/81137.