Globalisation and Labour Movement The Case of Turkey from Structural Adjustment to Accession Partnership Agreement with the EU

Yalman, Osman Galip
Topal Yılmaz, Aylin


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The paper reviews alternatives to globalization and neoliberal restructuring within the context of economic crisis and rising politics of dissent. What are the challenges posed by globalisation to labour movements? What kind of strategies does the labour movement in Turkey develop as a way forward? The study is based upon interviews conducted with twenty two trade unionists who took various responsibilities in the recent past in unions that are organised in textile, automotive and agriculture sectors, publi...
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This paper investigates whether the impacts of the main push (global financial conditions, GFC) and pull (growth) factors on capital inflows are invariant to endogenously estimated threshold levels for structural domestic conditions (SDC) represented by governance/institutional quality, trade openness, de facto international financial integration and de jure financial openness in emerging market and developing economies. Our results strongly suggest that, for all the components of capital inflows, the impac...
Globalisation and Policy Change
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Citation Formats
O. G. Yalman and A. Topal Yılmaz, “Globalisation and Labour Movement The Case of Turkey from Structural Adjustment to Accession Partnership Agreement with the EU,” 2002, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: