AB Rekabet Hukukunda Son Gelişmeler



AB Rekabet Hukukunda Son Gelişmeler ve Türk Rekabet Hukukuna Muhtemel Yansımaları
Aşçıoğlu Öz, Gamze (null; 2000-11-06)
Development of the EU asylum Policy : preventing the access to protection
Bahadır, Aydan; Okyayuz, Mehmet; Department of European Studies (2004)
This thesis analyzes the ignored humanitarian concerns in the development of the EU Asylum Policy. As a result of the strict migration control concerns, EU has engaged in forming a new regional refugee protection system which is tacitly based on limiting the access of protection seekers to the EU territories. In that context, the thesis aims to assess the scope and impact of the externalizing tendencies in the EU asylum policy development and thereby aims to attract the attention to the contradiction that E...
The essence of EU strategy in South East Europe : The Republic of Macedonia
Atay, Niyazi Güneş; Bağcı, Hüseyin; Department of International Relations (2004)
This thesis examines the South East European policy of the European Union, which promoted the prospect of a ءUnited Europe̕. After the end of the bipolar world system, the ultimate aim of the East European countries has been the integration into the European Union. The transition and integration process, that they initiated in accordance with this aim, made up the basis of their relations with the Union. Nevertheless, the South East European countries, which became a sub-region within East Europe, joined to...
AB nin Enerji Politikası ve Türkiye
Ercan, Hakan; Aşçıoğlu Öz, Gamze (2004-01-01)
Citation Formats
G. Aşçıoğlu Öz, “AB Rekabet Hukukunda Son Gelişmeler,” 1999, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/81676.