A Local Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Dirichlet Boundary Control Problems



A local discontinuous Galerkin method for Dirichlet boundary control problems
Yücel, Hamdullah (null; 2018-10-20)
In this paper, we consider Dirichlet boundary control of a convection-diffusion equation with L 2 4 – 5 boundary controls subject to pointwise bounds on the control posed on a two dimensional convex polygonal domain. 6 We use the local discontinuous Galerkin method as a discretization method. We derive a priori error estimates for 7 the approximation of the Dirichlet boundary control problem on a polygonal domain. Several numerical results are 8 provided to illustrate the theoretical results.
A Lagrangean relaxation approach for the mixed-model flow line sequencing problem
Eliiyi, Deniz Tuersel; Oezlen, Melih (Elsevier BV, 2008-03-01)
In this study, a mixed-model flow line sequencing problem is considered. A mixed-model flow line is a special case of production line where products are transported on a conveyor belt, and different models of the same product are intermixed on the same line. We have focused on product-fixed, rate-synchronous lines with variable launching. Our objective function is minimizing makespan. A heuristic algorithm based on Lagrangean relaxation is developed for the problem, and tested in terms of solution quality a...
A semismooth newton method for generalized semi-infinite programming problems
Tezel Özturan, Aysun; Karasözen, Bülent; Department of Mathematics (2010)
Semi-infinite programming problems is a class of optimization problems in finite dimensional variables which are subject to infinitely many inequality constraints. If the infinite index of inequality constraints depends on the decision variable, then the problem is called generalized semi-infinite programming problem (GSIP). If the infinite index set is fixed, then the problem is called standard semi-infinite programming problem (SIP). In this thesis, convergence of a semismooth Newton method for generalize...
A DRBEM Approach for the STOKES Eigenvalue Problem
Tezer, Münevver; Türk, Önder (2016-07-04)
In this study, we propose a novel approach based on the dual reciprocity boundary element method (DRBEM) to approximate the solutions of various Steklov eigenvalue problems. The method consists in weighting the governing differential equation with the fundamental solutions of the Laplace equation where the definition of interior nodes is not necessary for the solution on the boundary. DRBEM constitutes a promising tool to characterize such problems due to the fact that the boundary conditions on part or all...
A polynomially bounded dual simplex algorithm for the capaciated minimum cost flow problem
Altaban, Ayşegül; Sepil, Canan; Department of Industrial Engineering (1990)
Citation Formats
H. Yücel, “A Local Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Dirichlet Boundary Control Problems,” 2017, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://math.uni-paderborn.de/ag/mathematik-und-ihre-anwendungen/fgi-2017/programme/contributed-talks-on-tuesday/.