Parents opinions about creative thinking skills



Parents’ toy preferences: Is gender still an issue?
Erden, Feyza (null, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014-01-01)
Parents'role in preschool children's gender role socialisation
Dilek, Yeşim; İmamoğlu, Olcay; Department of Gender and Women's Studies (1997)
Parental perceptions on emergent literacy in early childhood years
Altıparmak, Sevil; Olgan, Refika; Department of Early Childhood Education (2010)
The aim of the study is to investigate parents’ perceptions on emergent literacy. More specifically, the present study examined the perceptions of parents on emergent literacy and the frequency rates of the home literacy activities that parent engage in spending with their children at home to encourage emergent literacy through a questionnaire, which was developed by Nebrig (2007). Translation and reliability checks and a pilot study were implemented before the actual study was conducted. Parents were asked...
Parents' Perceptions of School Climate and Parent Involvement in terms of Education Levels of Parents and Grade of Their Children
ERTEM, HASAN YÜCEL; Gökalp, Gökçe (2020-01-01)
School climate and parent involvement are important concepts for schools and positive educational outcomes and are closely related to each other. To illustrate, schools with open climate may increase parent involvement in the school. According to Bio-ecological Theory which is the theoretical framework of the current study, children are influenced by interaction among school, family and community. This interaction leads to both learning and psychological, social, and emotional development of children. The a...
Parents’s toy preferences: Is gender still an issue?
Erden, Feyza; Altun, Dilek (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014-01-01)
Citation Formats
P. O. Taneri, “Parents opinions about creative thinking skills,” 2012, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: