İşçilerin gözünden risk gözetim ve güvenlik dizgeleri Soma örneği

8. Ulusal Sosyoloji Kongresi (1 - 03 Aralık 2016)


Macroeconomic impact of workers' remittances on output growth: evidence from Turkey
Yaşar, Pınar; Tansel, Aysıt; Department of Economics (2005)
In this study, a demand oriented simultaneous equation macroeconometric model with a dynamic perspective is constructed in order to investigate the impact of workers̕ remittances on output growth via their effects on key macro variables such as private consumption, investment and imports for Turkey. The study covers the period of 1964-2003 on an annual basis. Results of the analysis suggest that workers̕ remittances affect output growth in a positive manner through the multiplier process. It is found that t...
Workers' health and architecture : a reading on Eskişehir Sugar Factory within Turkish modernization
Ayhan, Ekim Deniz; Cengizkan, Ali; Department of Architecture (2006)
This thesis aims an analysis of early Republican state factory settlements, in terms of their concern for workers’ health and welfare, within Turkish modernization in the largest extent. State factory settlements are evaluated in terms of their architectural program(s), in terms of concern about the physical and mental health requirements of their future workers at the stage of their foundation. Different types of buildings, like workers’ houses, cafeterias, health centers and clubs, with respect to their o...
Working class feminism: solidarity and experience in a factory strike in Turkey
Saka, Burcu; Ecevit, Mehmet Cihan; Department of Sociology (2018)
This thesis, which focuses on working-class feminism, claims that the industrial actions of women workers in their workplace are also promising in terms of transforming the sex based division of labor. This, on the one hand, is related to the re-organization of work on the axis of deepening sexual division of labor as the condition of exploitation, and on the other hand, women workers’ efforts to make their burdens of reproduction and sexist practices in the workplace a subject of industrial actions. In exp...
Subjectivity formation of working class women and respectability : a case study on women sales workers in Ankara
Tatar, Mehtap; Erdoğan, Necmi; Department of Media and Cultural Studies (2014)
The main aim of this thesis is to examine the role of class and gender in the subjectivity formation of working class women. Women from different classes encounter each other in situations such as customers and sales workers in the shopping environment. Examining this encounter in detail can assist in achieving the main of this study. Therefore, during the in-depth interviews with women sales workers that were conducted, it was seen that many of the women sales workers experience class and gender inequaliti...
An inquiry on bourgeois conception of social housing program for working-class: Karl Marx Hof in Vienna
Sudaş, İlknur; Sargın, Güven Arif; Department of Architecture (2011)
This thesis focuses on the architectural production of Red Vienna in 1920s to examine the bourgeois conception of social housing program in a governmental socialist understanding of housing. Having a structural transformation through the First World War, Vienna became the enclave of Socialist Democrat Party and thereafter underwent radical housing and cultural transformative programs. Within these programs, it was intended to give the working-class the accurate social position by means of provided accessibi...
Citation Formats
Ç. Topal, “İşçilerin gözünden risk gözetim ve güvenlik dizgeleri Soma örneği,” presented at the 8. Ulusal Sosyoloji Kongresi (1 - 03 Aralık 2016), Ankara, Türkiye, 2016, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: http://www.sosyolojikongresi.org/ekitap/2016/ozetler.pdf.