Investigation of the Rheological Properties of Asphaltite Water Slurries Possible Mechanisms and Their Impacts on Viscosity

Altun, Naci Emre
Hiçyılmaz, C
Possible mechanisms that would determine the rheological behavior of AWS’s were examined in terms of apparent viscosity. The role of pH, particle size distribution, deminerilization and their effects on the viscosity of AWS’s were investigated and discussed. An increase in the pH decreased the apparent viscosity of AWS’s due to the increase in the zeta potential of the particles in the slurry. Particle size distribution also impacted the rheological behavior of AWS’s. An increase in fineness enhanced inter-particle aggregation, resulting in increases in the viscosity of AWS’s. Demineralization process altered the viscosity of AWS’s due to the changes on the inorganic/organic content and relative wettability. The removal of hydrophilic inorganic constituents and the relative increase in the hydrophobicity resulted in higher viscosity AWS’s. The effect of particle surface oxidation was also tested as a possible effect of the demineralization process. Oxidized asphaltite particles with relatively hydrophilic nature caused lower viscosity AWS’s than fresh ground non-oxidized particles. As a result, any condition that increased the hydrophilicity of asphaltite particles decreased the viscosity of AWS’s and vice versa.
XI. International Mineral Processing Symposium (21 - 23 Ekim 2008)


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Citation Formats
N. E. Altun and C. Hiçyılmaz, “Investigation of the Rheological Properties of Asphaltite Water Slurries Possible Mechanisms and Their Impacts on Viscosity,” 2008, p. 21, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: