A Landcover Extraction Scheme For Landslide Hazard Assessment Using Satellite Image Components


A GPR-based landmine identification method using energy and dielectric features
Akar, Gözde (2018-04-14)
This study presents a novel landmine identification method that estimates intrinsic parameters of buried objects from their primary and secondary GPR reflections to reduce false alarm rates of GPR-based landmine detection algorithms. To achieve this, two different features are extracted from A-scan GPR data of buried objects. The time length of the reflected GPR signal from the underground object indicates the first feature. The second feature estimates the intrinsic impedance of the buried object. These tw...
A simulation system for repetitive construction based on cyclone networks
Al, Savaş; Pultar, Mustafa; Department of Building Science in Architecture (1993)
A Landslide Monitoring Methodology Applied to a Seismically Active Region by Using Optical Fiber Systems
Arslan Kelam, Arzu; Akgün, Haluk (null; 2019-09-25)
A decision support system for assessing landfill performance
Celik, Basak; Girgin, Sertan; Yazıcı, Adnan; Ünlü, Kahraman (Elsevier BV, 2010-01-01)
Designing environmentally sound landfills is a challenging engineering task due to complex interactions of numerous design variables; such as landfill size, waste characteristics, and site hydrogeology. Decision support systems (DSS) can be utilized to handle these complex interactions and to aid in a performance-based landfill design by coupling system simulation models (SSM). The aim of this paper is to present a decision support system developed for a performance-based landfill design. The developed DSS ...
A Life cycle sustainability assessment methodology for thermal insulation materials
İlhan, Burak; Tanyer, Ali Murat; Department of Building Science in Architecture (2018)
The study aims to develop a comparative holistic life cycle sustainability assessment method for building materials and test this method on thermal insulation material selection phase of a pilot renovation project. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and its more recent adaptation Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA) methods have been utilized to compare the sustainability of thermal insulation material options for a pilot sheathing application. "Three pillars of sustainability" approach has been designated ...