Flört ilişkisinde şiddete maruz kalma ve şiddet uygulama: Güç algısı ve güç doyumunun rolü



Psychological aggression among dating university students: the prediction of attachment styles, rejection sensitivity, and self-compassion
Atay, Şafak; Sümer, Zeynep; Department of Educational Sciences (2021-3-11)
The main purpose of this study is to examine to what extent rejection sensitivity, attachment styles, and self-compassion predicted perpetration and victimization of psychological dating aggression after controlling for gender, age, and duration of the relationshipin university students.A convenient sample of 554 dating university students (395 women, 159 men) completed thedemographic information form, Rejection Sensitivity Scale, Self-Compassion Scale, Multidimensional Measure of Emotional Abuse, a...
Psychological aggression perpetration among dating college students: the interplay of societal, parental and personal factors
Toplu Demirtaş, Ezgi; Sümer, Zeynep; Department of Educational Sciences (2015)
The aim of the current study is to investigate the role of personal cognitive (acceptance of psychological aggression and sexist beliefs) factors as mediators of the relationship between societal (patriarchy and gender socialization), perceived parental (witnessing interparental psychological aggression) factors and psychological aggression perpetration among dating college students. The sample of the study was composed of 1015 dating college students from private and public universities in Ankara. Turkish ...
Flört İlişkisinde Şiddet: Üniversite Öğrencileri Arasında Yangınlığı, Türleri Ve Yordayıcıları.
Sümer, Zeynep(2010-12-31)
Flört ilişkisinde şiddetin yaygınlığı ve türleri
Toplu, Ezgi; Sümer, Zeynep (null; 2011-10-03)
Problem Durumu Son 30 yılda, Makepeace’in (1981) evli olmayan çiftler arasındaki şiddet konusundaki ilk çalışmasından beri, özellikle Kuzey Amerika, Batı Avrupa ve diğer bazı ülkelerde, flört ilişkisinde şiddet kavramının araştırılması gittikçe artan bir önem kazanmıştır. Murray ve Kardatzke (2007) flört’ü “iki bireyin arkadaşlığın ötesinde birbiriyle duygusal, romantik ve/veya cinsel yakınlık kurduğu, fakat aynı zamanda evli, nişanlı veya buna benzer başka bir ilişki içinde olmadıkları ilişki biçimi” olar...
Sensor fusion of a camera and 2D LIDAR for lane detection and tracking
Yeniaydın, Yasin; Schmidt, Klaus Verner; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2019)
This thesis proposes a novel lane detection and tracking algorithm based on sensor fusion of a camera and 2D LIDAR. The proposed method is based on the top down view of a grayscale image, whose lane pixels are enhanced by the convolution with a 1D top-hat kernel. The convolved image is horizontally divided into a predetermined number of regions and the histogram of each region is computed. Next, the highest valued local maxima in a predefined ratio in the histogram plots are determined as candidate lane pix...
Citation Formats
Z. Sümer, “Flört ilişkisinde şiddete maruz kalma ve şiddet uygulama: Güç algısı ve güç doyumunun rolü,” 2011, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/84099.