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Psychological aggression among dating university students: the prediction of attachment styles, rejection sensitivity, and self-compassion
Atay, Şafak
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The main purpose of this study is to examine to what extent rejection sensitivity, attachment styles, and self-compassion predicted perpetration and victimization of psychological dating aggression after controlling for gender, age, and duration of the relationshipin university students.A convenient sample of 554 dating university students (395 women, 159 men) completed thedemographic information form, Rejection Sensitivity Scale, Self-Compassion Scale, Multidimensional Measure of Emotional Abuse, and Inventory of Experiences in Close Relationships-II. Data were collected via relevant online sources. The results of the hierarchical multiple regression analysesrevealed that durationof the relationship, gender, anxiety and avoidance attachment styles,and rejection sensitivity were thesignificant predictors of psychological dating aggression victimization, and these variables explained the19% of the total variancein victimization. Contrary to the victimization, age and self-compassion were found to besignificant predictorsof psychological dating perpetration along with the other predictor variables as the duration of the relationship, age, anxiety and avoidance attachment, and rejection sensitivity. The joint contribution of these predictors explained the total variance of 18.9%in perpetration.While being male was a significant predictor for victimization, age and self-compassion were found to be significant predictors for the only perpetration. It was found that resort to psychological aggression perpetration decreased as the age and self-compassion level increased.Results were discussed considering the relevant literature, implications were drawn for theory, research, and practice, recommendations for future research were mentioned.
Subject Keywords
Psychological dating aggression
Rejection sensitivity
Attachment insecurity
University students
Graduate School of Social Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
Ş. Atay, “Psychological aggression among dating university students: the prediction of attachment styles, rejection sensitivity, and self-compassion,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2021.