Asylum Policy and the Future of Turkey-EU Relations: Between Cooperation and Conflict



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Since 1980s, a number of factors caused an overall enhancement in the number of persons applying for asylum in Europe. This rapid increase in asylum applications and the end of the ideological gains towards refugees with the end of the politicized Cold War environment, necessitated European countries to re-focus on their immigration and asylum policies in a more systematic manner, especially after the ratification of the ءSingle European Act̕. Following the transfer of competencies in asylum and migration t...
Asylum Seekers’ Social Integration Problems and Access to Social Services: A Case of Düzce Satellite City
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Immigration Policies in Germany: Current Developments and Its Implications on Society and Politics
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Citation Formats
B. Kale Lack, “Asylum Policy and the Future of Turkey-EU Relations: Between Cooperation and Conflict,” FEUTURE Project web sayfası, pp. 1–18, 2018, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: