Perspective of Academics on the Impact of Academic Practice



Perspective of Academics on the Impact of Academic Practice
Kondakçı, Yaşar; Zayim Kurtay, Merve; Şenay, Hanife Hilal; Kaya Kaşıkcı, Sevgi; Kulakoğlu, Büşra (Oxford University Press, 2021-5-24)
The pressure on the universities to take a visible place in the rankings has caused anachronistic policies and practices in evaluating the performance of universities. The value attributed to the rankings results in policies prioritizing the criteria imposed by rankings while evaluating the performance of academics, which successively causes several issues in assessing the real impact of the academic practices. Considering these criticisms and concerns about the impact assessment, this study aimed at explor...
Reflections of social and cultural understandings of the state and non-governmental organizations about disability: dynamics of social exclusion
Girişmen, Gizem; Kalaycıoğlu, Hediye Sibel; Department of Social Policy (2017)
This thesis aims to explore the role of charity and charity based system of social policy in relation to social exclusion and disability as well as the structural and cultural factors behind charitable efforts targeting disabled people in Turkey. Within the scope of this study, social exclusion concept is accepted as a multidimensional process rather than an endpoint. Furthermore, it is argued that disabled people experience hybrid forms of exclusionary processes rooted in socioeconomic and cultural represe...
Perspectives on development incentives: 18th century philosophers, India and Turkey
Turan, Şeref Halil (Routledge, 2018-03-01)
Examination of early childhood educators' perspectives on transdiciplinary approach.
Demirci, Fatma; Demircan, Hasibe Özlen; Department of Early Childhood Education (2020)
A research study was conducted to investigate the perspective of early childhood educators on transdisciplinary approach. The participants of study were 20 early childhood educators who worked in public kindergartens Bartın, Turkey. The data was collected with a semi- structured interview. Findings of study demonstrated that early childhood educators have positive perspectives on integration of disciplines. Also, early childhood educators have positive perspectives on transdisciplinary approach such as inte...
Analysis of Turkish learners' attitudes towards English language and English speaking societies
Üzüm, Babürhan; Seferoğlu, Gölge; Department of English Language Teaching (2007)
This study aimed at investigating learners’ attitudes towards English language and English speaking societies. The study also explored the historical and sociopolitical factors that might have influenced learners’ attitudes. In order to collect data, a language attitude questionnaire was designed adapting several questionnaires which were prepared with the goal of collecting information about learners’ attitudinal predispositions towards language and language learning in various countries around the world. ...
Citation Formats
Y. Kondakçı, M. Zayim Kurtay, H. H. Şenay, and B. Kulakoğlu, “Perspective of Academics on the Impact of Academic Practice,” 2019, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: