Topics in Igneous Petrology

Catlos, Elizabeth J
Sayıt, Kaan
Sivasubramanian, Poovalingam
Dubey, Chandra S


Featured papers on operational research and ethics
Wenstop, Fred; Miralles, Cristobal; Weber, Gerhard Wilhelm (2016-06-01)
Special topics in strong inteactions.
Koca, Mehmet; Gürsey, Feza; Department of Physics (1971)
Special issue on swarm robotics
Şahin, Erol (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2008-08-26)
Studies on computer aided medical diagnosis.
Alçı, Mustafa; Department of Electrical Engineering (1986)
Citation Formats
E. J. Catlos, K. Sayıt, P. Sivasubramanian, and C. S. Dubey, Topics in Igneous Petrology. 2011, p. 417.