Innovation and institutional environment Turkish STI policies



Innovation and Relationships in Industrial Districts The Case of Turkey
Erdil, Erkan; Akdeve, Erdal (2008-01-01)
Industrial districts (ID) and small scale industrial estates are important regional development tools that have been extensively utilized by the Turkish authorities as part of Turkish industrialization programs, with varying degrees of success. The empirical part of the study is carried out in one of the oldest industrial zones in Turkey, Ankara (Sincan) with 207 firms facilitating. Following the determination of innovative capacity of the firms, the study investigates the intraand inter-ID firm relationshi...
Innovation and the Entrepreneurial University
Erdil, Erkan (2018-06-01)
Innovation and the Entrepreneurial University
Erdil, Erkan (Springer, London/Berlin , 2018-06-01)
Innovation and Relationships in an Organized Indutrial District: Ankara Sincan Industrial District
Erdil, Erkan (Science And Technology Policies Research Center, Middle East Technical University (Ankara, Turkey), 2008)
Ferragina, Anna M.; Nunziante, Giulia; Taymaz, Erol (2018-06-01)
Purpose: In this paper we explore how firms' productivity is affected by agglomeration of firms, clustering of innovation and localisation of FDI in Italy. The analysis aims to provide a measure of spillovers on productivity from geographical and sectorial clustering of firms and from their innovation. Firm's absorptive capacity is also taken into account by interacting the variables of agglomeration and innovation at region-sector level with size and technology.
Citation Formats
E. Erdil, “Innovation and institutional environment Turkish STI policies,” 2016, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: