Architectural Program/ Erimtan Museum A Case Study

Xiamen University Architecture and Museography, (13 Temmuz 2017)


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Önür, Selahattin; Pamir, Haluk; Department of Architecture (1992)
Architectural competitions and post-competition problems in Turkey after 2000
Baykan, Umut; Güzer, Celal Abdi; Department of Architecture (2015)
Architectural competition is a method of procuring the best possible design among a number of entries for a specific site. Deficiencies in the execution of the competition process may result in implementation problems in the winning entry; forcing it to undergo transformations that deprive it from its defining characteristics or not materialize. This has been an issue of debate in the contemporary Turkish architectural scene with the poor results obtained affecting usage frequency of competitions. The study...
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Altan Ergut, Elvan; Özkaya, Ayşe Belgin (2009-01-01)
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Balcıoğlu, Emin Mahir (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 1986)
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Architectural design principles of the kindergarten building.
Tunçel, Abdullah; Department of Architecture (1981)
Citation Formats
A. Savaş Sargın, “Architectural Program/ Erimtan Museum A Case Study,” presented at the Xiamen University Architecture and Museography, (13 Temmuz 2017), 2017, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: