Effectiveness of Using Computer Assisted Supplementary Instruction for Teaching the Mole Concept

Yalçınalp, Serpil
Geban, Ömer
Özkan, İlker
his study examined the effect of computer-assisted instruction (CAI), used as a problem-solving supplement to classroom instruction, on students' understanding of chemical formulas and mole concept, their attitudes toward chemistry subjects, and CAI. The objective was to assess the effectiveness of CAI over recitation hours when both teaching methods were used as a supplement to the traditional chemistry instruction. We randomly selected two classes in a secondary school. Each teaching strategy was randomly assigned to one class. The experimental group received supplementary instruction delivered via CAI, while the control group received similar instruction through recitation hours. The data were analyzed using two-way analysis of variance and t-test. It was found that the students who used the CAI accompanied with lectures scored significantly higher than those who attended recitation hours, in terms of school subject achievement in chemistry and attitudes toward chemistry subjects. In addition, there was a significant improvement in the attitudes of students in the experimental group toward the use of computers in a chemistry course. There was no significant difference between the performances of females versus males in each treatment group.
Journal Of Research In Science Teaching


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Uzuntiryaki, Esen; Geban, Ömer; Department of Secondary Science and Mathematics Education (2003)
The main purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of instruction based on constructivist approach over traditionally designed chemistry instruction on ninth grade students2 understanding of chemical bonding concepts. In addition, the effect of instruction on students2 attitude toward chemistry as a school subject and the effect of gender difference on understanding of chemical bonding concepts were investigated. Forty-two ninth grade students from two classes of a chemistry course taught by th...
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Citation Formats
S. Yalçınalp, Ö. Geban, and İ. Özkan, “Effectiveness of Using Computer Assisted Supplementary Instruction for Teaching the Mole Concept,” Journal Of Research In Science Teaching, pp. 1083–1095, 1995, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/85811.