The Mediator Role of Human Strength between egoistic relative deprivation and subjective well being

Özdemir, Fatih
Tekeş, Burcu
İslambay, Demet
Öner Özkan, Bengi


The Mediator Role of Human Strength between Egoistic Relative Deprivation and Subjective Well-Being
Ozdemir, Fatih; Islambay, Demet; Tekes, Burcu; Öner Özkan, Bengi (2016-07-01)
The Mediator Role of Spousal Self-Disclosure in the Relationship between Marital Satisfaction and Spousal Support
Çağ, Pınar (2018-06-01)
This study addresses the mediator role of spousal self-disclosure in the relationship between the spousal support and satisfaction with the marriage. For this purpose, data was collected from 549 married volunteers who lived in Ankara, had a wage-earning job, and who were at least high-school graduates. The married participants of the study were applied the data collection instruments of "Marital Life Scale", "Spousal Support Scale" and "Self-Disclosure to Spouse Scale". A relational screening model was use...
The Role of Need Satisfaction in Self-Concealment and Well-Being
Uysal, Ahmet; LIN, Helen Lee; KNEE, C. Raymond (2010-02-01)
The present research tests a model derived from self-determination theory to explain why self-concealment (the tendency to keep distressing personal information secret) is associated with negative well-being outcomes. Two studies tested a model in which self-concealment predicts the thwarting of basic needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness, which then results in negative psychological outcomes. Study 1 involved a cross-sectional design. Structural equation modeling analyses revealed that the model ...
The mediator role of parenting behaviors between children's witnessing interparental violence and children's coping with interpersonal and academic stressors
Sarıot, Özge; Fışıloğlu, Hürol; Department of Psychology (2011)
The study aims to investigate the role of parenting behaviors as a mediator, between children's witnessing of interparental violence and coping ways of children with interpersonal and academic stressors. For the purpose of assesment, The Conflict Tactic Scale Adapted for Italian Youngsters and The Question Set about Parental Abuse towards Children have been translated into Turkish and their psychometric properties therein were tested on 10-12 year-old children. With the same aged sample group which involved...
The Interplay between Self Compassion, Attachment Security Relational Attributions on Relationship Functioning
Terzi, Hilal (null; 2017-06-25)
Citation Formats
F. Özdemir, B. Tekeş, D. İslambay, and B. Öner Özkan, “The Mediator Role of Human Strength between egoistic relative deprivation and subjective well being,” 2016, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: