Urban regeneration issues and policies as complementary and multiaspect planing tools

Kovancı, Petek


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Karaburun, Nursun; Uzun, Cemile Nil; Department of City and Regional Planning (2009)
The global weakening of nation states has isolated cities. On the other hand, the authority of local administrations has been increasing rapidly. Urban planning responsibility is under the authority of local governments. Due to intense competition for attractive solutions, local authorities have tended to use methods that produce immediate results. Therefore, planning approach has been changing and in place of comprehensive plans, we find quick fix projects. According to comprehensive planning approach and ...
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It is being observed that there has been an increase in the number of urban design competitions in the last decade in Turkey. Competitions are crucial methods of enriching theoretical and practical frameworks of the disciplines by creating a platform for discursive attitudes. That reveals the importance of the notion of competition as a process covering from the decision for organizing a competition to the decision of the jury for the winner and also post-competition events such as colloquium. Due to these ...
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Citation Formats
P. Kovancı, “Urban regeneration issues and policies as complementary and multiaspect planing tools,” Middle East Technical University, 1996.