Urban regeneration in Turkey: the challenge of regenerating apartment blocks



Urban transformation projects in Ankara: challenge for a holistic urban planning system
Karaburun, Nursun; Uzun, Cemile Nil; Department of City and Regional Planning (2009)
The global weakening of nation states has isolated cities. On the other hand, the authority of local administrations has been increasing rapidly. Urban planning responsibility is under the authority of local governments. Due to intense competition for attractive solutions, local authorities have tended to use methods that produce immediate results. Therefore, planning approach has been changing and in place of comprehensive plans, we find quick fix projects. According to comprehensive planning approach and ...
Urban transformation of a socialist city: a case study of East Berlin - Alexanderplatz
Eriç, Dilra Nazlı; Sargın, Güven Arif; Department of Architecture (2008)
This thesis examines the role of politics in transformation of urban spaces. In this regard, the main focus is Berlin because the city represents how politics of each era is effective in urban development processes: Once a divided city after the World War II where Berlin manifested both parties’ ideological sentience and related urban strategies, the city soon came under successive transformations in accordance with the expectations of the new regime upon its re-unification. In this framework, by studying t...
Urban Transformation in Turkey Typological Change in residential Fabric
Uzun, Cemile Nil (2016-10-07)
Urban conservation as an ownership problematic: Zeyrek - İstanbul
Zengin, Utku Serkan; Günay, Baykan; Department of City and Regional Planning (2010)
The aim of this study is to investigate the relation between the ownership issues and the conservation of historical housing areas, which is still an ongoing problem in Turkey. The study was carried out with respect to the local and international conservation approaches, as well as three urban conservation experiments from Turkey and Italy. Istanbul - Zeyrek World Heritage Area was taken as a case study to understand further on the issue. Approaches of international authorities on urban conservation such as...
Urban Design and Psychological Health in Ankara, Turkey: A City Case Study
SARI, ERKİN; Bozo Özen, Özlem (2020-11-01)
Citation Formats
Ö. B. Özdemir Sarı, “Urban regeneration in Turkey: the challenge of regenerating apartment blocks,” presented at the http://www.aesop-planning.eu/events/en_GB/2012/09/06/readabout/aesop-silver-jubilee-congres-is-ankara-11-15-july-2012-facts-figures, Ankara, Türkiye, 2012, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/88089.