Genetic variation in specific gravity values of three year old pinus nigra seedlings

Steel (Ülkü), Feride


Genetic variation in shoot growth patterns in pinus brutia TEN.
Yıldırım, Tolga; Department of Biological Sciences (1992)
Genetic control of cellulose, lignin and glucose contents in european black poplar (populus nigra l.) populations from Turkey
Taşkıran, Bircan; Kaya, Zeki; Severcan, Feride; Department of Biology (2014)
Populus nigra L. is considered as one of the most economically significant forest tree species with respect to production of wood, biomass, timber, pulp, paper and other wood-based products, besides its ecological and evolutionary importance. Because of the increased wood needs of the world and demands of renewable energy sources, fast-growing poplar has gained importance. While wood quality, pulp mechanical strength, and biomass are directly associated with high cellulose content, lignin emerges as an unde...
Ivanova, Evgeniya N.; Petrov, Plamen; Bouga, Maria; Emmanouel, Nicholas G.; TUNCA, RAHŞAN İVGİN; Kence, Meral (2010-01-01)
Genetic variation of honey bee populations from 9 different locations of Bulgaria was studied using 4 enzymic systems (MDH, ME, EST and ALP) corresponding to 4 genetic loci and PCR-RFLP's analysis of 16s rDNA, COI, and ND5 gene segments of mtDNA. Allozyme analysis revealed that all loci were polymorphic in almost all studied populations. The observed heterozygosity was found to range from 0.146 to 0.258, and Nei's genetic distance between 0.006 and 0.057 among the populations. Bulgarian honey bees are clust...
Genetic variation in wood specific gravity of half-sib families of Pinus nigra subsp pallasiana tested at the juvenile stage: Implications for early selection
Kaya, Zeki; Temerit, A; Vurdu, H (2003-01-01)
Seeds from 7 populations (total of 281 half-sib families, progeny test) and 35 seed stands (provenance test) representing natural range of Anatolian black pine (Pinus nigra subsp. pallasiana) were sown in a forest nursery in Ankara in 1990 and raised until age 3. Stem wood specific gravity (WSG) of all seedlings was determined at age of 3. The results of this study indicated that WSG did not vary significantly neither among the 7 populations (ranging from 0.41 to 0.42) nor among 35 seed stands (ranging from...
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Temel, Fatih; Çakar, Deniz; Arslan, Mustafa; Özdemir Değirmenci, Funda; Ateş, Mevlüde Alev; Kaya, Zeki (null; 2017-07-19)
Citation Formats
F. Steel (Ülkü), “Genetic variation in specific gravity values of three year old pinus nigra seedlings,” Middle East Technical University, 1994.