Case marking and forward and backward discourse function



Context-sensitive matching of two shapes
Başeski, Emre; Tarı, Zehra Sibel; Department of Computer Engineering (2006)
The similarity between two shapes is typically calculated by measuring how well the properties and the spatial organization of the primitives forming the shapes agree. But, when this calculations are done independent from the context, i.e. the whole set of shapes in the experiments, a priori significance to the primitives is assigned, which may cause problematic similarity measures. A possible way of using context information in similarity measure between shape A and shape B is using the category informatio...
Discourse Markers in Turkish and English: A Comparatiev Study.
Gürbüz, Nurdan (2008-01-01)
Tense, aspect and mood based event extraction for situation analysis and crisis management
Hürriyetoğlu, Ali; Temürcü, Ceyhan; Department of Cognitive Sciences (2011)
Nowadays event extraction systems mainly deal with a relatively small amount of information about temporal and modal qualifications of situations, primarily processing assertive sentences in the past tense. However, systems with a wider coverage of tense, aspect and mood can provide better analyses and can be used in a wider range of text analysis applications. This thesis develops such a system for Turkish language. This is accomplished by extending Open Source Information Mining and Analysis (OPTIMA) rese...
Contextual Object Detection Using Set-Based Classification
Cinbiş, Ramazan Gökberk (2012-01-01)
We propose a new model for object detection that is based on set representations of the contextual elements. In this formulation, relative spatial locations and relative scores between pairs of detections are considered as sets of unordered items. Directly training classification models on sets of unordered items, where each set can have varying cardinality can be difficult. In order to overcome this problem, we propose SetBoost, a discriminative learning algorithm for building set classifiers. The SetBoost...
Context Based Semantic Relations in Tweets
Özer, Özdikiş; Karagöz, Pınar; Oğuztüzün, Mehmet Halit Seyfullah (Springer, 2014-01-01)
Twitter, a popular social networking platform, provides a medium for people to share information and opinions with their followers. In such a medium, a flash event finds an immediate response. However, one concept may be expressed in many different ways. Because of users’ different writing conventions, acronym usages, language differences, and spelling mistakes, there may be variations in the content of postings even if they are about the same event. Analyzing semantic relationships and detecting these vari...
Citation Formats
U. Özge, Case marking and forward and backward discourse function. 2020, p. 102.