Konuları Kararları Kurumları ve Soru n larıyla Bankacılık ve Rekabet Hukuku



Expert finding in domains with unclear topics
Selçuk Doğan, Gonca Hülya; Taşkaya Temizel, Tuğba; Department of Information Systems (2012)
Expert finding is an Information Retrieval (IR) task that is used to find the needed experts. To find the needed experts is a noticeable problem in many commercial, educational or governmental organizations. It is highly crucial to find the appropriate experts, when seeking referees for a paper submitted to a conference or when looking for a consultant for a software project. It is also important to find the similar experts in case of the absence or the inability of the selected expert. Traditional expert f...
Konuşma Analizi: Aşamaları ve Uygulaması
Uçar, Selin (Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, 2022-01-01)
Automatic video categorization and summarization
Demirtaş, Kezban; Çiçekli, Fehime Nihan; Department of Computer Engineering (2009)
In this thesis, we make automatic video categorization and summarization by using subtitles of videos. We propose two methods for video categorization. The first method makes unsupervised categorization by applying natural language processing techniques on video subtitles and uses the WordNet lexical database and WordNet domains. The method starts with text preprocessing. Then a keyword extraction algorithm and a word sense disambiguation method are applied. The WordNet domains that correspond to the correc...
Tanımları ve tarihsel gelişimleriyle matematiksel kavramlar
Erbaş, Ayhan Kürşat; Alacacı, Cengiz (2013-01-01)
Tanımları ve tarihsel gelişimleriyle matematiksel kavramlar
Erbaş, Ayhan Kürşat; Çetinkaya, Bülent (2013-01-01)
Citation Formats
G. Aşçıoğlu Öz, “Konuları Kararları Kurumları ve Soru n larıyla Bankacılık ve Rekabet Hukuku,” 1998, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: www.rekabet.gov.tr.