Does Qualifying Really Qualify Comparing the Representations of the Euro 2008 and Euro 2012 in the Turkish Media



Does Time Inconsistency Problem Apply for Turkish Monetary Policy
Özlale, Ümit; Metin-Özcan, Kıvılcım (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2005-12)
We analyze the implications of the time inconsistency problem for the Turkish monetary policy in the last two decades. After deriving the restrictions that the Barro and Gordon model imposes on a time series model for inflation and output, we show that the time inconsistency problem can explain both the short-run and the long-run behavior of inflation and output in the Turkish economy. The results also reveal that the Turkish monetary policymakers have put more emphasis on output stability than price stabil...
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Derin Güre, Pınar (null; 2011-04-25)
Does the testing method make a difference in measuring reading skills?A case study
Sertdemir, Yelda; Enginarlar, Hüsnü; Department of English Language Teaching (1995)
Does Outdoor Education make any difference in environmental literacy of pre service classroom teachers
Derman, Ayşegül; Şahin, Elvan; Hacıeminoğlu, Esme (2016-11-01)
The aim of this research is to determine the effects of various teaching methods and activities, which are used in environmental education lessons, on the environmental literacy level of classroom pre-service teachers. This study was carried out including the classroom pre-service teachers, who took the environmental education course in the academic year of 2012-2013. In this study, an experimental design was used. The Environmental Literacy Scale and the Evaluation of the Environmental Education Outcome Sc...
Does R&D Intensity Contribute to Technical Efficiency in Turkey?
Kalayci, Elif; Pamukcu, Mehmet Teoman (2014-03-01)
The effect of R&D intensity and R&D spillovers on the technical efficiency of R&D performers has not been examined for the Turkish manufacturing sector. This study investigates whether R&D intensity and R&D spillovers contribute to firms' technical efficiency. Employing stochastic frontier analysis, we use micro-level data for 2003-2007 R&D performers. We find that neither R&D intensity nor R&D spillovers exert a statistically significant effect on the technical efficiency of low-tech R&D performers. On the...
Citation Formats
B. Z. Alpan and Ö. Şenyuva, “Does Qualifying Really Qualify Comparing the Representations of the Euro 2008 and Euro 2012 in the Turkish Media,” 2015, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: