1987 yılından başlayarak Danıştay ve Adana, Sakarya, Ankara, Antalya, Aydın, Bursa, Diyarbakır, İzmir, İstanbul, Konya, Sivas, Gaziantep, Trabzon, Sakarya, Zonguldak, Kayseri ve Denizli İdare Mahkemelerine hazırlanmış toplam 1500 civarında Bilirkişi Raporu



1989 Yılında Bulgaristan'dan Gelen Soydaşların Türkiye'de İstihdam Üzerine Etkisi.
Kırdar, Murat Güray(2011-12-31)
Bu çalışmada amaçlanan göçmenlerin yerel halkın istihdam çıktıları üzerindeki nedensel etkisini Türkiye örneğinde bulmaktır. Bu amaçla 1989 yılında Bulgaristan'dan gelen Türk kökenli göçmenlerin yerleştikleri bölgelerdeki yerel halkın istihdamı üzerindeki etkisi incelenecektir. Göçmenlerin göçmen olmanyanları istihdam durumu üzerindeki nedensel etkisini bulmak kolay değildir, çünkü göçmenler yerleştikleri bölgeleri rastsal olarak seçmezler, bilakis çeşitli bölgelerin ekonomik durumu göçmenlerin nerede yerle...
The transformation of the Nato-Russian relations from Yeltsin to Putin-Medvedev leadersip between 1991 and 2009
Özkan, Olesya; Türkeş, Mustafa; Department of International Relations (2010)
The thesis seeks to chart the foundation and transformation of NATO-Russia relations from Yeltsin to Putin and Medvedev. It attempts to potray the continuity and change in the Russian Foreign Policy towards NATO in the light of the main international developments such as the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the Bosnian war and the Kosovo conflict; as well as the internal transformation of the Alliance marked by the extension of the traditional NATO roles and the expansion policy. The thesis tries to depict ...
Social networks and urban integration of Bulgarian Turkish immigrants of 1989 and after : the case of Yenibosna, İstanbul
Coşgun, Bülent; Ersoy, Melih; Department of Urban Policy Planning and Local Governments (2005)
In this thesis, it is aimed to investigate to what extent Bulgarian Turkish immigrants of 1989 and the following years, integrated to the urban life and to analyze the role of their social networks in this process. In this respect, demographic, socioeconomic variables and migration process, social networks and organized and political behaviour of the immigrants have been evaluated in a comparative perspective with Turkish rural migrants in order to understand their difference in urban integration levels. Ec...
1993 Yılından bugüne Burgaz Kazıları
Atıcı, Nadire (2017-07-07)
Export behavior of the Turkish manufacturing firms, 1989-2010 period
Demirhan Atabek, Aslıhan; Ercan, Hakan; Department of Economics (2013)
Using firm-level data of manufacturing sector during the period 1989-2010, this thesis explored the export behavior of firms in Turkey. Up to date, Turkey’s export performance has been analyzed from macro perspective extensively. However, far too little attention has been paid to firm-level analysis contrary to ongoing and growing empirical literature. The preliminary analysis revealed the superiority of exporting firms. Both self-selection and learning-by-exporting are found to be valid explanation for the...
Citation Formats
H. Ç. Keskinok, “1987 yılından başlayarak Danıştay ve Adana, Sakarya, Ankara, Antalya, Aydın, Bursa, Diyarbakır, İzmir, İstanbul, Konya, Sivas, Gaziantep, Trabzon, Sakarya, Zonguldak, Kayseri ve Denizli İdare Mahkemelerine hazırlanmış toplam 1500 civarında Bilirkişi Raporu,” 2019, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/88171.