Turkey as a higher education hub for displaced students in the Middle East, the Balkans, and Ex-Soviet Republics

European Conference on Educational Research - ECER 2018, 02 - 08 September 2018


Turkey as a Host State Migration of Kazakhs and Uyghurs in the 1950s
Ünlü Bilgiç, Tuba; Kuşçu Bonnenfant, Işık (null; 2013-10-06)
Turkey: Innovation and Tradition
Şimşek, Hasan; Yıldırım, Ali (Rowman & Littlefield, 2010-01-01)
Turkey and its relation to the European Union from a radical nationalist perspective: the Nationalist Action Party from the early 1990’s until the present
Korkusuz, Şermin; Özdalga, Elisabeth; Department of Sociology (2008)
The objective of this study is to analyse the discourse (from 1990s onwards) of the radical nationalist perspective about Turkey-EU relations. The EU is discussed as an actor within the globalization process. Therefore, in a broader context, the study presents the situation of the radical nationalist perspective in Turkey within the globalization process. In the study, the Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi/MHP (Nationalist Action Party) has been selected as the political representative of radical nationalism in Tu...
Turkey as a Major Gas Transit Hub Country
Umucu, T.; Altunışık, Meliha; Kök, Mustafa Verşan (2012-01-01)
The demand for natural,gas has been growing much faster than the demand for other primary energy sources and it is expected that the European Union's dependency on natural gas will continue to grow. For this reason, the gas supply security policy of securing a smooth supply of gas has become more important lately on the European political agenda. According to the European Union external policy directives, European Union natural gas energy security can be enhanced by diversifying geographical origin as well ...
Turkey as a major gas transit hub country
Umucu, Tayfun Yener; Kök, Mustafa Verşan; Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (2008)
The demand for natural gas has been growing much faster than the demand for other primary resources and it is expected that the European Union (EU)’s dependency on natural gas will continue to grow. For this reason gas supply security policy has been more important lately than before on the European political agenda in securing a smooth supply of gas. According to the EU external policy directives, EU natural gas energy security can be enhanced by diversifying geographical origin as well as transit routes. ...
Citation Formats
Y. Kondakçı, “Turkey as a higher education hub for displaced students in the Middle East, the Balkans, and Ex-Soviet Republics,” presented at the European Conference on Educational Research - ECER 2018, 02 - 08 September 2018, Bolzano, Italy, 2018, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/88209.