Department of Mining Engineering, Thesis

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Entity Type
Thesis (495)

Has File(s)
Yes (343)
No (152)

Çelebi, Neş'e (3)
Acaralp, Orhan Zafer (2)
Akdemir, Ünal (2)
Akçakoca, Hamdi (2)
Akün, M. Ertan (2)

Mining engineering. (43)
Metallurgy. (18)
Rock mechanics. (17)
Coal mines and mining (16)
Coal mines and mining. (12)

Date Issued
1965 - 1979 (98)
1980 - 1999 (203)
2000 - 2019 (182)
2020 - 2021 (12)

Item Type
Master Thesis (402)
Ph.D. Thesis (93)

Recent Submissions

Bawani, Muhammad Raheel; Arol, Ali İhsan; Tozsin, Gülşen; Department of Mining Engineering (2021-12-17)
Oltu-stone (Jet Stone), also known as black amber, is a fossilized, organic, and natural material formed by the transformation of certain trees under high pressure. It is called Oltu-stone because its occurrences are prima...
Emci, Mehmet Emircan; Öztürk, Hasan; Department of Mining Engineering (2021-11-8)
Batı Raman holds the Turkey's proven largest oil reserve (1.85 billion barrels). The reserve is located at an average depth of 1450 m within a fractured limestone. This heavy oil has a 12° API gravity and a viscosity of 20...
Kaydım, Cengiz; Erkayaoğlu, Mustafa; Department of Mining Engineering (2021-8-31)
Rock mechanics is a fundamental research field of engineering as the mechanical properties of rocks are crucial in mining and civil engineering applications. These properties control main production processes like excavati...
Determination of the optimal equipment fleet for overburden stripping operation in a surface coal mine with discrete event simulation
Aytaç, Şahabettin Mert; Erkayaoğlu, Mustafa; Department of Mining Engineering (2021-8-31)
Coal has a significant role in energy production, which is an essential factor in sustainable development. Overburden removal and coal production capacities have to be increased to provide sufficient amount and quality of ...
Development of a multi-scenario simulation model for spare parts inventory optimization in mining operations
Şenses, Sena; Gölbaşı, Onur; Department of Mining Engineering (2021-8)
The growing market competition compels many industries to change their operational structures at strategic and operational levels dramatically. It has been recognized that inventory management requires continuous monitorin...
Microscopic fuel consumption modelling for haulage trucks using discrete-event simulation
Kına, Elif; Gölbaşı, Onur; Department of Mining Engineering (2021-2-5)
Mining is one of the machine-intensive sectors, and a vast amount of energy is consumed in many stages of mining operations. Among these operations, haulage systems hold a significant share in energy consumption. At this p...
Development of a virtual reality-based serious game for occupational health and safety training in underground mining
Gürer, Servet; Erkayaoğlu, Mustafa; Sürer, Elif; Department of Mining Engineering (2021-2-5)
Mining is a hazardous multi-disciplinary sector for workers and the working environment. It can be said that one of the most important methods to combat these risks is training. These pieces of training are usually given w...
Uncertainty assessment for the supply chain system of a concrete company using Monte Carlo Simulation.
Serbest, İnanç Taha; Gölbaşı, Onur; Department of Mining Engineering (2021-2)
Concrete is the primary construction material and may be supplied in varying strength values according to customer demand. The profitability of concrete operations is very low, with a profit margin changing between 0.1 and...
Creep behaviour analysis of thin spray-on liners
Güner, Doğukan; Öztürk, Hasan; Department of Mining Engineering (2020)
Thin Spray-on Liner (TSL) is a relatively thin (2–5 mm) and fast-setting liner material used by spraying onto rock surfaces to support underground excavations. Areal support materials that are sprayed onto the rock, such a...
Tensile opening mode fracture toughness measurements and size effect investigations with Brazilian disc type rock specimens
Şar, Elifnaz .; Tutluoğlu, Levend; Department of Mining Engineering (2020)
The flattened Brazilian disc(FBD)geometrieswere subjected to compressive loads at the loading ends. Tensile stresses were generated indirectly at the center of the disc specimens. Cracks were initiated, and they propagated...
Thermographic analysis of heat generation during ucs testing of rocks
Kırmacı, Alper; Erkayaoğlu, Mustafa; Department of Mining Engineering (2020)
SMining activities concentrate on the production of underground resources for energy generation and raw material requirements worldwide, as it is also the case in Turkey. For this reason, the exploration of new resources p...
Effect of loading span on tensile mode fracture toughness for three-point bend specimen geometries
Karataş Batan, Ceren; Tutluoğlu, Levend; Department of Mining Engineering (2020)
Straight notched disk bending specimen geometry has a potential to find size independent mode I fracture toughness, since the thickness of the disk loaded by threepoint bending can be increased. Increasing the thickness an...
In-situ stress magnitude and orientation determination of Ankara Kazan district from FMI log
Karadeniz, Kutay Emre; Öztürk, Hasan; Department of Mining Engineering (2019)
Wellbore instability is a major problem in the oil and gas industry. Rock failures occur around the borehole when the induced local stresses exceed the rock strength. Borehole breakouts and drilling-induced fractures (DIFs...
A New approach to 3-dimensional optimization of ultimate pit geometry for open pit mines with variable overall slope angles
Altuntov, Firdevs Kübra; Erkayaoğlu, Mustafa; Department of Mining Engineering (2019)
The mining activities have high economic risks and the determination of the optimum ultimate pit limit of an ore body greatly affects the economic feasibility of an open pit mine. Due to necessity of determining optimum pi...
Investigation of fracture toughness on flattened Brazilian disc type molded shotcrete specimens
Yoncacı, Selin; Tutluoğlu, Levend; Department of Mining Engineering (2019)
Monitoring behavior of cracks generated by various reasons in shotcrete/concrete is of crucial importance for the stability of structures in various industries. Despite the need of understanding the crack initiation and pr...
Risk assessment of Gördes nickel-cobalt process plant
Torun Bilgiç, Elif; Demirel, Nuray; Department of Mining Engineering (2019)
High pressure acid leach (HPAL) is commonly utilized hydrometallurgical process for low grade laterites for the extraction of nickel and cobalt. The plant malfunctions bring about catastrophic accidents that prove the irre...
Development of a dynamic maintenance algorithm with multiple scenarios: a case study for surface mining
Ölmez Turan, Merv; Gölbaşı, Onur; Department of Mining Engineering (2019)
Surface mining operations such as ore extraction and overburden stripping activities highly depend on machine performance. These machines’ operational plan aims to handle required amount of material within a specific perio...
Obtaining hybrid fuel briquettes using local biomass and fossil fuel resources
Ulusoy Tasar, Aslı; Altun, N. Emre.; Department of Mining Engineering (2019)
This study aims at obtaining a hybrid fossil fuel-biomass fuel by blending olive pomace and lignite in varying amounts (10-50% by weight). The main objective is to combine the positive characteristics of both fuel types to...
Mode I fracture toughness and tensile strength investigation on molded shotcrete brazilian specimen
Tayfuner, Tuğçe; Tutluoğlu, Levend; Department of Mining Engineering (2019)
Tensile opening mode I loading state is important for shotcrete-concrete type materials, since these are weak under tension. Brazilian type splitting tests are commonly used for checking the structural effectiveness of con...
Beneficiation of carbonaceous lead and zinc ores by a combined flotation and leaching method
Sarılar, Sena; Atalay, Mustafa Ümit.; Department of Mining Engineering (2019)
Within the scope of this thesis study carbonaceous lead and zinc ore obtained from Yozgat – Akdağmadeni region of Turkey was used. Main objective of the study is to obtain lead concentrate at possible maximum grade and rec...
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