1990’larda “Siyaset Sonrası” Söylemler ve Demokrasi”,



A Political economic account for social democracy in turkey during the 1990’s
Kurt, Taylan; Ayata, Ayşe; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2017)
This thesis aims to evaluate the crisis of Turkey’s social democracy, whose ideological orientation has been evaluated within history of the Republican People’s Party, during the 1990’s. Throughout the thesis, historical evolution of social democracy until the end of 20th century both in Europe and Turkey according to reconciliation of labor and capital is examined. Besides the transformation of Turkey’s social democracy by consideration of change in production and class relations during the neoliberal era;...
Linguistic authenciticy and butlerian performativity of suicide in selected plays of the 1990s
Ronaghzadeh, Samindokht; Alpakın Martınez Caro, Dürrin; Department of English Literature (2021-6-04)
The theme of suicide carries an intense force of performance and persuasion and can be studied regarded as being both free from the text and dependent on the text. Being both imprisoned by and liberated from the authority of the playwright and the dramatictext, the theatrical or text-based dramatic performance of suicide and the nontheatrical or nondramatic performativity of it influence and empower each other. The theoretical question is how the l...
A study on the urban/architectural transformations in Keçiören district after 1990s
Pınarevli, Mehmet; Öğüt, Nergis Rana; Department of Architecture (2005)
Ankara, being the capital, has been the most important city for the New Modern Turkish State on its way of establishing the modernity project of Turkey. The development of the urban planning projects proceeded on the basis of this aimed concept of the new society, carrying the privilege of being the symbol of the modern republic, prosperity and wealth. Keçiören is one of the main districts of Ankara. The main aim of this study is to analyze and describe the ideological departure of Keçiören from the concept...
1990’lı yıllarda askerî yapı ve Türk dış politikası
Koçer, Gökhan (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2002)
1990’lı yıllarda, Türk dış politikasında görülen önemli bir gelişme, dış politikanın askerî bir görüntü kazanmasıdır. Savunma harcamalarındaki artış, uluslar arası düzeyde askerî ilişkilerin ve işbirliğinin yoğunlaşması, çok uluslu askerî müdahalelere katılım ve sınır ötesi askerî harekâtlar, bu duruma ilişkin yeterince veri sağlamaktadır. Bu gelişmenin ‘askerî yapının artan etkisi’ ve ‘askerî araçların daha fazla kullanılması’ biçiminde iki boyutu vardır. Gerek uluslar arası ortamın yapısı ve uluslar...
Citation Formats
F. Özçoban Üstüner and N. Erdoğan, 1990’larda “Siyaset Sonrası” Söylemler ve Demokrasi”,. 2005.