Residual based a posteriori error estimation for Dirichlet boundary control problems

We study a residual–based a posteriori error estimate for the solution of Dirichlet boundary control problem governed by a convection diffusion equation on a two dimensional convex polygonal domain, using the local discontinuous Galerkin (LDG) method with upwinding for the convection term. With the usage of LDG method, the control variable naturally exists in the variational form due to its mixed finite element structure. We also demonstrate the application of our a posteriori error estimator for the adaptive solution of these optimal control problems.
FGS’2019 - 19th French-German-Swiss conference on Optimization


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In this research work, a multiple synchronous reference frame (MSRF) based analysis method used together with exponential smoothing (ES) to accurately obtain the time-varying harmonics and interharmonics of electric arc furnace (EAF) currents, is proposed. The proposed method has been implemented on NVIDIA Geforce GTX 960 graphics card for the parallel processing of all harmonics and interharmonics so that real-time processing of the EAF currents obtained from a measurement point of the electricity transmis...
Citation Formats
H. Yücel, “Residual based a posteriori error estimation for Dirichlet boundary control problems,” Nice, Fransa, 2021, vol. 71, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: