Avrupa'da Yükselen Popülist Aşırı Sağ Partiler: Özgürlükler ve Uluslar Avrupası (ENF) Grubu Üzerine Bir İnceleme



Avrupa mülteci koruma krizi ve Türkiye'nin rolü
Kale Lack, Başak (null; 2016-10-22)
Internal security and the new border management model of the EU: migration secutiy nexus
Hajipouran Benam, Çiğdem; Dağı, İhsan Duran; Department of International Relations (2011)
This is a thesis about the changing internal security conceptualizations and the new border management model of the European Union (EU), its effects on third countries and resultant power relations. Although migration is a fact as old as human history, the way the issue is represented varies in time. Especially after 1970s, with the influence of recession experienced in Europe, migration has been formulated as a tool that should be managed well, which otherwise would pose a serious problem for the host coun...
The critical overview of the European Union gender equality policies and their implications for Turkey
Gökalp, N. Ela; Ertürk, Yakın; Department of Sociology (2005)
Since the 1990̕s, interest in the European Union (EU) gender equality policies has increased among feminist scholars and activists. In this context, studies focusing on equal pay for work of equal value, equal treatment in education, and access to employment, among others have been undertaken and different dimensions of the EU gender equality policies have been a subject of much debate. This thesis is an effort to critically review the potential of these policies vis-à-vis their capacity to bring about gend...
The development of common European security and defence policy (cesdp) : before and after Saint Malo declaration
Uslu, M. Merve; Türkeş, Mustafa; Department of European Studies (2004)
This study examines the evolution of the Common European Security and Defence Policy (CESDP) of the European Union أbeforeؤ and أafterؤ the Saint Malo Declaration of December 1998. The co-operation in foreign policy and security matters has always been a corollary element to the economic co-operation since the beginning of the European Integration process. Within this context this study argues that the conducting of co-operation in this field within the framework of European Community/European Union (EC/EU)...
Continuity and change in European social democracy: reasserting its viability within the context of globalization
Kamalak, İhsan; Okyayuz, Mehmet; Department of Biochemistry (2006)
The arguments concerning the unviability of Social Democracy at the beginning of new century within the context of globalization, and the accusations for its shift towards the New Right/Neo-Liberalism in the case of the Third Way has been criticized in a historico-critical way in this thesis. It is claimed that the insufficiency of these arguments arises from their analysis of Social Democracy merely through policies, or party politics, which have displayed great variety in the evolution of Social Democracy...
Citation Formats
M. O. Çöpoğlu, “Avrupa’da Yükselen Popülist Aşırı Sağ Partiler: Özgürlükler ve Uluslar Avrupası (ENF) Grubu Üzerine Bir İnceleme,” Uluslararası Sosyal ve Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 4, no. 8, pp. 1–17, 2017, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: http://dx.doi.org/10.20860/ijoses.331142.