To Change or Not to Change: The Blue & Green Design Technology Company

Kaplan, Ayşe
Andrews, Scott
Wasti, Nazlı


To afford or not to afford: A new formalization of affordances toward affordance-based robot control
Şahin, Erol; Dogar, Mehmet R.; UĞUR, Emre; Üçoluk, Göktürk (SAGE Publications, 2007-01-01)
The concept of affordances was introduced by J. J. Gibson to explain how inherent "values" and "meanings" of things in the environment can be directly perceived and how this information can be linked to the action possibilities offered to the organism by the environment. Although introduced in psychology, the concept influenced studies in other fields ranging from human-computer interaction to autonomous robotics. In this article, we first introduce the concept of affordances as conceived by J. J. Gibson an...
To flock or not to flock: pros and cons of flocking in long-range "migration" of mobile robot swarms
Gökçe, Fatih; Şahin, Erol; Department of Computer Engineering (2008)
Every year, certain animal and insect species flock together to make long-range migrations to reach their feeding or breeding grounds. A number of interesting observations can be made regarding this phenomenon. First, individuals tend to create large flocks, which can include millions of individuals in fishes, for these migrations. Second, migrations typically cover long distances. Third, despite all kinds of disturbances affecting the individuals during these migrations, the flocks can reach the very same ...
To Simulate or Not to Simulate? Challenges in Digitally Prototyping HMI Interactive Technologies
Yardim Sener, Sevcan; Pedgley, Owaın Francıs (2020-01-01)
© 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.This study of automotive HMI (human-machine interface) design is built around the fact that traditional product modelling and testing tools (i.e. foam-clay mock-ups, working prototypes) are increasingly being replaced by simulation technologies. The development of these technologies creates challenges as well as opportunities for product design teams. This study was carried out as a workshop to understand these challenges. A shortlist of fourteen new in-vehicle interac...
To Recall to Play in the Street: A Critical Review of the Transformation of the Game Concept, Importance and Place of Game in Children's World
Taneri, Pervin Oya; Nayir, K. Funda (2016-01-01)
This argumentative study focused on the relationship between children's traditional play cultures and their technology-based play. When the literature examined, it was seen that traditional games contribute children character development, as well as linguistic and communicative development. When children allowed to play outdoor and/or traditional games, they explore the nature, learn democratic behaviors, acquire creative and critical thinking skills, learn how to communicate politely with others, develop m...
To participate or not Perception of college students about online course evaluation
Çobanoğlu, Rahime; Çapa Aydın, Yeşim (null; 2013-09-13)
Citation Formats
A. Kaplan, S. Andrews, and N. Wasti, “To Change or Not to Change: The Blue & Green Design Technology Company,” 2019, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: