Survey Archaeology as a Source of Data: Principles and Practice,



Quantitative Empirical Studies on Women's Issues in Islamic Cultures: Introduction to Special Issue
Sakallı, Nuray (2016-12-01)
The special issue aimed to focus on quantitative research articles covering gender and women's issues in Islamic cultures which have not received sufficient attention. The present issue of gender and women's issues in these cultures adds important information about topics such as the roles of honor, religiosity, and sexism as they interact with gender. In the special issue there are six quantitative research articles focusing on various topics relevant to honor, sexism, economic, and health issues. A study ...
Imaging-based attitude determination algorithm for small satellites: Design and the preliminary results
Güzel, Mehmet Burak; Söken, Halil Ersin; Tekinalp, Ozan (2020-01-01)
Limitations for small satellite missions encourages researchers and engineers to use on-board equipment for multiple tasks. Thus, both space can be saved and the equipment redundancy can be prevented. For Earth-imaging satellites a prominent equipment that can be used for multiple purposes is the camera. Other than the observation, the taken images can be used as measurements for determining the absolute or relative attitude of the spacecraft. Depending on also the content of the image (e.g. stars, Earth, M...
Circular arrays of log-periodic antennas for broadband applications
Ergül, Özgür Salih (2006-11-10)
Circular arrays of log-periodic (LP) antennas are designed for broadband applications. A sophisticated electromagnetic simulation environment involving integral equations and fast solvers is developed to analyze the LP arrays both accurately and efficienuy. The resulting matrix equation obtained by the discretization of the electric field integral equation is solved iteratively via the multilevel fast multipole algorithm (MLFMA). Genetic algorithms interacting with MLFMA is employed to optimize the excitati...
Delay Risk Assessment of Repetitive Construction Projects Using Line-of-Balance Scheduling and Monte Carlo Simulation
Tokdemir, Onur Behzat; Dikmen Toker, İrem (American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2019-02-01)
Although the line-of-balance (LOB) method is widely used for the scheduling of repetitive construction projects, there are only a limited number of studies that deal with the issue of how to incorporate uncertainty in repetitive schedules. In this paper, a delay risk assessment method is proposed for projects scheduled by LOB. In the proposed method, a LOB schedule is prepared considering the target rate of delivery, and then risk scenarios are defined considering the sources of uncertainty and vulnerabilit...
Coding algorithms for 3DTV - A survey
Smolic, Aljoscha; Mueller, Karsten; Stefanoski, Nikolce; Ostermann, Joern; Gotchev, Atanas; Akar, Gözde; Triantafyllidis, Georgios; Koz, Alper (2007-11-01)
Research efforts on 3DTV technology have been strengthened worldwide recently, covering the whole media processing chain from capture to display. Different 3DTV systems rely on different 3-D scene representations that integrate various types of data. Efficient coding of these data is crucial-for the success of 3DTV. Compression of pixel-type data including stereo video, multiview video, and associated depth or disparity maps extends available principles of classical video coding. Powerful algorithms and ope...
Citation Formats
U. Serin, Survey Archaeology as a Source of Data: Principles and Practice,. 2021.