“Eleştirel Bölgeselcilik”



Drawing as a “critical act”: fiction and the unconventional architecture of Lebbeus Woods
Köken, Burcu; Savaş Sargın, Ayşen; Department of Architecture (2015)
This thesis, essentially aims to explore the processes of architecture production by focusing on political motive forces; through the utilization of a crucially assigned medium, the “drawing.” It will be an inquiry into drawing as a creative and “critical” architectural product. The significance of the drawing, not solely as an instrument for architecture, but also as an entity itself, had mentioned by Diana Agrest, as she describes “architectural production” in three subtitles which she calls “texts”: writ...
“Birleşmiş Milletler Deniz Hukuku Sözleşmesi ve Deniz Çevresinin Korunması”, Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt 56, Sayı 1, s. 1-37.
Güneş, Şule (2007-01-01)
Improved Image Generation in Normalizing Flows through a Multi-Scale Architecture and Variational Training
Sayın, Deniz; Cinbiş, Ramazan Gökberk; Department of Computer Engineering (2022-8-31)
Generative models have been shown to be able to produce very high fidelity samples in natural image generation tasks in recent years, especially using generative adverserial network and denoising diffusion model based approaches. Normalizing flow models are another class of generative models, which are based on learning invertible mappings between the latent space and the image space. Normalizing flow models possess desirable features such as the ability to perform exact density estimation and simple maximu...
Finansallaşma Döneminde Türkiye Şirketler Sektörü: Karlar ve Birleşme Satın Almalar
Demiröz, Demir (Routledge, London/New York , 2018-10-01)
Çalışma iki ana kısımdan oluşmaktadır. İlk kısımda 1982-2014 yıllarını kapsar şekilde Türkiye'de şirketler sektörünün karlılığı incelenmektedir. İkinci kısımda 2002-2014 yılları arası dönemde Türkiye'de şirket birleşme ve devralmaları analiz edilmektedir.
A Survey on cryptographic protocols using pairing-based cryptography
Fetvacı, Şeyma; Cenk, Murat; Department of Cryptography (2019)
With the thousands of works on pairing-based cryptography, the purpose of using pairings in the protocols/schemes have changed. Before, they were used just to attack the systems. Nowadays, they have been used to design such new cryptosystems that there were no applicable methods before for these protocols like Joux's key agreement scheme. The main purpose of this thesis is to analyze how some of these protocols use pairings-based cryptography in their schemes and what they achieve with these schemes. We fur...
Citation Formats
A. U. Peker, ““Eleştirel Bölgeselcilik”,” Kesit, no. 2, pp. 13–22, 2021, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://www.yumpu.com/tr/document/view/65139498/kesit-say-2-donusum.