Begüm Ece Tohumcu

Graduate School of Marine Sciences
Web of Science Researcher ID
Genetic and Morphological Diversity of Botryllus schlosseri on the Turkish Coast
Tohumcu, Begüm Ece; Öztürk, Esra; Karahan, Arzu (2024-07-31)
Botryllus schlosseri is a vital model organism in the botryllid ascidian species. It is a crucial reference point for phylogenetic studies due to its ancestral position within the chordate lineage. Despite its acknowledged...
Phytoplankton Patchiness Around the Gksu River Estuary (North-Eastern Mediterranean)
Tohumcu, Begüm Ece; Uysal, Zahit (2024-07-29)
Göksu river estuary was studied seasonally to reveal impact of contrasting water masseswith varying trophicity on the phytoplankton distribution. Samples were collected fromtotal 51 stations representing nutrient-rich Göks...
Sampling, aquaculture techniques and examination methodologies for botryllid ascidians
Tohumcu, Begüm Ece (2022-10-31)
Various sampling and culture studies are carried out for different benthic organisms. Developing and applying methodologies suitable for the targeted group provides a basis for enabling extensive and more detailed studie...
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