Banach lattices on which every power-bounded operator is mean ergodic

Given a Banach lattice E that fails to be countably order complete, we construct a positive compact operator A : E --> E for which T = I - A is power-bounded and not mean ergodic. As a consequence, by using the theorem of R. Zaharopol, we obtain that if every power-bounded operator in a Banach lattice is mean ergodic then the Banach lattice is reflexive.


Alpay, Safak (2012-10-01)
We discuss operators of strong type B between a Banach lattice and a Banach space and give necessary and sufficient conditions for this class of operators to coincide with weakly compact operators.
Compact-like operators in lattice-nonmed. spaces
AYDIN, ABDULLAH; Emelyanov, Eduard; ERKURŞUN ÖZCAN, NAZİFE; Marabeh, M. A. A. (2018-04-01)
A linear operator T between two lattice-normed spaces is said to be p-compact if, for any p-bounded net x(alpha),,the net Tx(alpha) has a p-convergent subnet. p-Compact operators generalize several known classes of operators such as compact, weakly compact, order weakly compact, AM-compact operators, etc. Similar to M-weakly and L-weakly compact operatois, we define p-M-weakly and p-L-weakly compact operators and study some of their properties. We also study up-continuous and up"compact operators between la...
Pamuk, Semra (2014-07-03)
Let G be a finite group and F be a family of subgroups of G closed under conjugation and taking subgroups. We consider the question whether there exists a periodic relative F-projective resolution for Z when F is the family of all subgroups HG with rkHrkG-1. We answer this question negatively by calculating the relative group cohomology FH*(G, ?(2)) where G = Z/2xZ/2 and F is the family of cyclic subgroups of G. To do this calculation we first observe that the relative group cohomology FH*(G, M) can be calc...
Factorization of unbounded operators on Kothe spaces
Terzioglou, T; Yurdakul, Murat Hayrettin; Zuhariuta, V (2004-01-01)
The main result is that the existence of an unbounded continuous linear operator T between Kothe spaces lambda(A) and lambda(C) which factors through a third Kothe space A(B) causes the existence of an unbounded continuous quasidiagonal operator from lambda(A) into lambda(C) factoring through lambda(B) as a product of two continuous quasidiagonal operators. This fact is a factorized analogue of the Dragilev theorem [3, 6, 7, 2] about the quasidiagonal characterization of the relation (lambda(A), lambda(B)) ...
Unbounded p-Convergence in Lattice-Normed Vector Lattices
Aydın, A.; Emelyanov, Eduard; Erkurşun-Özcan, N.; Marabeh, M. (2019-07-01)
A net xα in a lattice-normed vector lattice (X, p, E) is unbounded p-convergent to x ∈ X if p(| xα− x| ∧ u) → o 0 for every u ∈ X+. This convergence has been investigated recently for (X, p, E) = (X, |·|, X) under the name of uo-convergence, for (X, p, E) = (X, ‖·‖, ℝ) under the name of un-convergence, and also for (X, p, ℝX ′) , where p(x)[f]:= |f|(|x|), under the name uaw-convergence. In this paper we study general properties of the unbounded p-convergence.
Citation Formats
E. Emelyanov, “Banach lattices on which every power-bounded operator is mean ergodic,” POSITIVITY, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 291–295, 1997, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: