Seismic design of buried pipelines

Ertuğrul, Tuğrul


Seismic design of cold formed teel structures in residential applications
Uygar, Celaletdin; Yılmaz, Çetin; Department of Civil Engineering (2006)
In this study, lateral load bearing capacities of cold formed steel framed wall panels are investigated. For this purpose lateral load bearing alternatives are analyzed numerically by computer models and results are compared with already done experimental studies and approved codes. In residential cold formed steel construction, walls are generally covered with cladding material like oriented strand board (OSB) or plywood on the exterior wall surface and these sheathed light gauge steel walls behave as shea...
Sucuoğlu, Haluk; Erberik, Murat Altuğ; Kaatsız, Kaan; Alıcı, Fırat Soner (2021-10-15)
Seismic behavior of semi-precast concrete shear walls
Karimi Zindashti, Golnesa; Binici, Barış; Department of Civil Engineering (2016)
Successful performance of well-designed and constructed precast concrete elements in earthquake resistant structures, has led to widespread use of these kind of elements all around the world. Fast construction, high quality of precast concrete units and high durability are just a few advantages of these elements to be favored over cast-in-situ structures by engineers, and thus to cause seeking the ways to minimize their disadvantages. The main disadvantage of precast concrete elements in construction is the...
Seismic behavior of semi-precast concrete shear walls
Golnesa Karimi, Zindashti; Binici, Barış; Canbay, Erdem (null; 2017-10-11)
Successful seismic performance of well-designed and constructed precast concrete members is crucial for sustainable, economical and high speed construction. The main disadvantage of precast concrete is the difficulty of detailing the connection region between the vertical and horizontal load bearing elements to ensure structural integrity. Double wall system, being a semi-precast approach, consists of two precast reinforced concrete layers encasing a cast-in-place concrete layer which is usually employed to...
Seismic behavior of autoclaved aerated concrete reinforced vertical panel buildings
Gökmen, Furkan; Binici, Barış; Department of Civil Engineering (2017)
In this study, the seismic behavior of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) reinforced panel walls and buildings was investigated. The structural members were investigated under cyclic lateral loading and axial load and the results were compared with the previous tests. The main objective of this study was to provide recommendations for nonlinear analysis of the reinforced AAC panel walls and buildings. OpenSees plat-form was chosen as the computational platform. The walls were modeled with fiber sections. The...
Citation Formats
T. Ertuğrul, “Seismic design of buried pipelines,” Middle East Technical University, 1994.