Evolution of teachers’ technology knowledge, beliefs and integration

Sadık, Olgun


Evolution of teacher technology knowledge, beliefs and practices
Evolution of planning theory and practice and it's changing structure in postmodern condition
Gündoğdu, Gürsel; Tekeli, İlhan; Department of Regional Planning (1991)
Evolution of Pre-service Teachers’ Perceptions about Classroom Management and Student Misbehavior in an Inquiry-based Classroom Management Course
Can, Iclal; Gökalp, Gökçe (2021-01-01)
This study investigated how pre-service teachers’ perceptions about classroom management and student misbehavior evolved in an inquiry-based classroom management course. Twenty-four pre-service teachers in Northern Cyprus participated in the study. Data were collected through writing prompts. The results showed that most of the pre-service teachers regarded the major goal of classroom management as establishing discipline in the classroom through deploying reactive disciplinary strategies prior to taking th...
Evolution of Mathematics Teachers' Pedagogical Knowledge when They are Teaching through Modeling
Yenmez, Arzu Aydogan; Erbaş, Ayhan Kürşat; Alacaci, Cengiz; Çakıroğlu, Erdinç; Çetinkaya, Bülent (2017-01-01)
Use of mathematical modeling in mathematics education has been receiving significant attention as a way to develop students. mathematical knowledge and skills. As effective use of modeling in classes depends on the competencies of teachers we need to know more about the nature of teachers. knowledge to use modeling in mathematics education and how this knowledge evolves. The aim of this study is to investigate how teachers. pedagogical knowledge to use modeling in the classroom is formed and modified throug...
Development of pre-service science teachers’ nature of science views and nature of science instructional planning within a contextualized expilicit reflective approach
Bilican, Kader; Çakıroğlu, Jale; Öztekin, Ceren; Department of Elementary Education (2014)
The main focus of the study was to explore pre-service science teachers’ understanding of NOS and translation of this understanding into their instructional planning for teaching NOS within the contextualized explicit reflective NOS based approach. The study, first investigated pre-service science teachers’ development of NOS views as a result of explicit reflective NOS instruction in the context of HOS based science method course, which was designed to improve pre-service science teachers’ both NOS views a...
Citation Formats
A. T. OTTENBREIT LEFTWICH, J. Y. LIAO, and O. Sadık, “Evolution of teachers’ technology knowledge, beliefs and integration,” presented at the The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Conference 2014, 2014, Accessed: 00, 2022. [Online]. Available: https://web.archive.org/web/20150516062737/https://www.isteconference.org/2014/pdfs/ISTE_2014_FPEG_PDF.pdf.