Gorbachev ve Özal: SSCB Sona Ererken Rus-Türk İlişkileri

Uluslararası Orta Asya Sempozyumu: Göç, Yoksulluk, Kimlik


The “programmatic experimentation” in the work of Gordon Matta-Clark
Beşlioğlu, Bahar; Savaş Sargın, Ayşen; Department of Architecture (2008)
This study is a critical inquiry into the changes of the conceptualisations of the term “program” in architectural discourse, particularly after the 1960s and early 1970s. The aim of this thesis is to benefit from the difficulty of defining “program” in architecture as a fruitful, pragmatic and intellectual source. Although several terms, such as “function,” “use,” “occupation,” “activity,” and “event” fulfil some aspects, none of them suggest an exact definition of the term “program” in architecture. Neith...
Görüntülü Görüşme ile Yabancı Dilde Semptom-Odaklı Bilişsel Davranışçı Psikoterapi Uygulaması: Bir Olgu Sunumu
Akyunus, Miray (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2021-6-28)
Pratik veya zorunlu gerekçeler dolayısıyla psikoterapi uygulamalarının yabancı dilde ve/veya çevrimiçi internet aracılığı ile sunulması yaygınlaşmaktadır. Bu vaka çalışması her iki koşulda bilişsel davranışçı terapinin (BDT) uygulanmasına bir örnek niteliğindedir. Türkiye’nin küçük şehirlerinden birinde yaşamakta olan İngiliz bir danışan, depresyon ve kaygı belirtileri şikayetleri ile, semptomlardan kurtulma ve iş levselliğini artırma amaçlı olarak bilişsel-davranışçı yaklaşımla çalışan bir psikoterapiste İ...
Transforming mission space models to executable simulation models
Özhan, Gürkan; Oğuztüzün, Mehmet Halit S.; Department of Computer Engineering (2011)
This thesis presents a two step automatic transformation of Field Artillery Mission Space Conceptual Models (ACMs) into High Level Architecture (HLA) Federation Architecture Models (FAMs) into executable distributed simulation code. The approach followed in the course of this thesis adheres to the Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) philosophy. Both ACMs and FAMs are formally defined conforming to their metamodels, ACMM and FAMM, respectively. ACMM is comprised of a behavioral component, based on Live Sequence C...
Transforming conceptual models of the mission space into simulation space models
Küçükyavuz, Fatih; Demirörs, Onur; Karagöz, Nuri Alpay; Department of Information Systems (2011)
Helping to abstract a valid model from real system, conceptual modeling is an essential phase in simulation development lifecycle. With the development of the KAMA framework, a new methodology was presented to develop mission space conceptual model for simulation systems. It provides metamodel elements represented by graphical diagrams to develop conceptual models of mission space. BOM (Base Object Model), developed by SISO (Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization), is another conceptual modeling...
Sign language recognition by image analysis /
Büyüksaraç, Buket; Bulut, Mehmet Mete; Akar, Gözde; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2015)
The Sign Language Recognition (SLR) Problem is a highly important research topic, because of its ability to increase the interaction between the people who are hearing-impaired or impediment in speech. However there are several limitations of the existing methods. Most applications need different necessities like making the user wear multi-colored or sensor based gloves or usage of a specific camera. We propose a simple but robust system that can be used without the need of any specific accessories. The pro...
Citation Formats
T. Zorbay, “Gorbachev ve Özal: SSCB Sona Ererken Rus-Türk İlişkileri,” presented at the Uluslararası Orta Asya Sempozyumu: Göç, Yoksulluk, Kimlik, Bishkek, Kırgızistan, 2018, Accessed: 00, 2022. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/98022.